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Monday, March 26, 2012

The Necromancer's Apprentice - Naomi Clark

Author: Naomi Clark

Format: ebook provided by author for review

From Goodreads:
All Evanthe wants is to hone her necromancy skills and gain the affections of her reclusive mentor, Morrow. And just when she thinks he might reciprocate her feelings, a face from his past threatens the life Evanthe is working so hard for. Now she's up against rogue necromancers, smarmy demonologists, and blood-thirsty zombies as she and Morrow fight to protect a secret that could kill them both. Evanthe's a talented necromancer, but that might not be enough to guarantee her a happy ending. 


I’ve read several books from Naomi Clark.  She definitely flew to the top of my favorites and automatic lists.  And this story, The Necromancer’s Apprentice, is no exception.  Novella in length, but that’s about it.  There is a ton of story within these sixty-something pages!

Evanthe (beautiful and unique name, by the way!) is twenty years old and living with Morrow, who is a mix between guardian, mentor, and the man who sparks her heart.  She’s had a hard life, bumped from foster home to foster home.  Living with Morrow is the first time in her life she’s ever felt at home.  And she and Morrow, well, they practice Necromancy! Necromancy, in case you don’t know, is the art of communicating with the dead.  Creepy, right?  Well, Naomi does such a beautiful job with this story, that even when there are rotting body parts around, you don’t feel creeped out at all.  Or, if you are like me and love a good spooky story, then this is perfect for you!

“He’d taken her in, convinced her there was nothing wrong with her.  The first person that made her feel valued, when all her life people had been determined to make her feel abnormal.”

Morrow is seemingly the strong silent type, wrestling with himself between what he thinks he should do and what he wants to do where Evanthe is concerned.   But she is not a teen anymore, and he has feelings for her.   I was hoping and waiting for him to make a move, to set my anxiety to rest!  I think these two have some real flair, and I would love to see a full length story about them!

Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t just about romance.  You are dealing with some heavy duty magic, demonology,  The Hand of Glory,  zombies…. Yep, zombies!!!!!!  Evanthe and Morrow are fighting to save themselves from several onslaughts, and it’s them against the world.  There’s the Guild, and then there’s Natasha – Morrow’s nasty ex!  Oooh, I really don’t like her!!  Oh, and theres zombies…. Yep, zombies!!!!!!!

I have nothing but wild praise for this book, and I can’t wait to read more!  You got some romance, some heroic behavior, a great mystery, and hmmmm, what else?  Oh yeah, zombies!!!!!!!!!!

Let's Stalk Naomi!

And this book is on: