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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bird of Prey - Griffin Hayes

Title: Bird Of Prey

Format: Ebook won from Library Thing Giveaway

From Goodreads:
Nestled in the warm belly of the abandoned Keisel Steel Works, an ancient creature has begun to stir. A one-hundred-year cycle is drawing to a rapid close and with it the time when the beast must lead her newly hatched young to the feeding grounds. 

A handful of the oldest folks in town remember that time well. A time when the sky was clotted with flapping, leathery wings and monsters driven mad by the smell of human blood. They also know of the feeding grounds. They know them as the backyards in which their kids play and the streets of the tiny Alaskan town they call home. 

Buck Sanders didn’t know any of this the day he arrived at the steel works to pilfer a length of siding for the roof of his crumbling bar. And neither did his friend Tommy Hodgkins. But they are perhaps the only ones who can stop a curse that has been playing out for centuries. At stake is more than their lives. At stake is everything.

So as the synopsis says, Buck goes to the abandoned steel works to steal some siding to use on his leaky roof.  While there he cuts his hand pretty badly.  The scent of his blood brings about this giant…bird, wait no, moth, wait…man?  Who knows what it is, but it has a wingspan of like, nine feet.  He barely makes it away and gets back into town.

His friend Tommy says they will go back together, along with a couple others.  Allan, Tig, Tommy and Buck armor up and go after this thing.  Little do they know, the monster Buck fought off has a momma.  And she is much much larger.  Think a wingspan more like thirty feet!!

For such a short story there was some really vivid imagery within.  I completely felt like I was right on the outskirts of this little Alaskan town at an abandoned steel factory.  It felt cold and sparse, and quite eerie.  Then the Winter Moth shows its face, and it turns down right scary. 

                “We’re gonna need some help.  And guns, lots of guns.”

This was a great little horror story.  It quickened my pulse and the author really has a great way of explaining and painting the scenery for you.  There is a bit of gore and gross, so be prepared.  However it totally sets the scene for you, and completely lets you know – this is friggin serious!

I surely would recommend this to my friends who were into monster movies, those who liked a touch of horror into their fright.  I look forward to reading more from the author!

Available on Amazon