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Monday, March 26, 2012

Bewitching Blog Tours: Lawke's Flame - Erosa Knowles - Guest Post/Giveaway

Lawkes Flame

By Erosa Knowles

Can a woman who has been betrayed in the worst way by an ex-spouse learn to trust again? Will she open her heart to a man who seems to be too good to be true, meeting every requirement she has ever wanted or needed in a partner?

Alayna would. But it will take time. Time is the one thing Khayden, Master Lawke, doesn’t have. His enemies are bent on destroying his people and harming Earth in the process.

The only way to save both is for his Kee, Alayna, to unlock him, freeing his powers and unbeknownst to her, her own. But first she has to believe that there’s more to her current lover than she sees. It will take a leap of faith to accept his pursuit and engage her battered heart again. The attacks are speeding up, with an alarming amount of casualties. Despite the fierce attraction, Alayna isn’t sure she’s strong enough to lay bare her heart again, so soon. Khayden is betting his life that she is strong enough to do that and to handle his flame.

A Lesson in Submission
By: Erosa Knowles

Khayden, Master Lawke didn’t need anyone. He ruled his people with an iron fist. Standing over six feet, with wide shoulders, muscular chest, and long legs he feared no man. Every desire was filled. His people ran to do his bidding. Everything he wanted was within his grasp. Yet his people were dying. Filled with a silent rage, he cursed his destiny. He hated the fact his existence was the catalyst draining his people’s energy.  After centuries of waiting, and fruitless searching he’d lost all hope. Just as he decides there is no Kee to unlock his powers and save his people, she walks down the cobblestoned streets of his domain.

The answer is clothed in human flesh. Something as alien to him as he is to her.  The idea that his salvation and that of his people, is encased in someone who lacks the gelatal membrane beneath the skin, critical for the unlocking, slams him to the brink of madness. After railing against his fate, he comes to one undeniable conclusion.

Left without a choice, the Master must submit.  It’s not easy, but it is necessary. For such a Alpha male the idea of submission initially leaves an acrid taste on his tongue.

He submits to the hand of his Kee, the only being alive who can handle his fire, his blue flame.  By handling his flame she stokes his inner fire to a fevered pitch, he learns submission has its own rewards.

He submits to her mindset, especially when it becomes evident her strength complements his. Together they co-rule his people, making everyone stronger, better. With her standing next to him, he learns the true strength of submission; it takes a strong man to truly share his power.

He submits his heart to her as he realizes without her his life lacks focus and joy. He is humbled further when she gives him not only her heart but her very being. He learns the choice of submission offers the best of all worlds, two hearts beating as one. Not because they have to, but because they want to. No one can force a Kee into a Lawke.

Erosa is giving away 4 ebook copies Lawked Flame and 2 print copies Lawked Flame tour wide!!

Ebook copies open to international winners, print copies open to US Shipping- total of 6 winners tour wide

 Originally from Miami Florida, Ms. Knowles now resides in North Carolina with her husband and teen-aged son. Two older children are married and live in North Carolina as well. An avid reader since college, Ms. Knowles is one of those people who keeps her books as old friends and has re-read all of them at least once. Many have been read more often. Writing stories, creating worlds and characters fuels my imagination is both physically relaxing and mentally invigorating. Although life got in the way and she had to postpone her writing, it is the one career she always craved. As a full time writer, her days are just as full, except now she is doing what she loves. Reading exciting stories from talented authors from various genres and writing the stories that tickle her imagination

Please note that this Rafflecopter giveaway is tour wide.  Winner will not be announced or notified by Fictional Candy, and Fictional Candy is not responsible for any prizes offered. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway