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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Impact - Cassandra Carr

Title: Impact

Format: Ebook provided by author for review

From Goodreads:
Professional bull rider Conner Raub hides a secret from the world. He’s a Dom. When he meets a submissive on tour who pulls at his Dom tendencies, he fights to deny his true self, believing his colleagues will condemn his lifestyle. 

Jessica Talbot is new to the BDSM scene and the bull riding tour, but after seeing Conner come to the aid of a submissive being mistreated in a club, she sets out to have him for her own. After their first night together she asks him to train her to submit and he refuses, afraid to mix business with pleasure. But Jessica isn’t deterred. She’ll do whatever it takes to make him realize he can have it all—a career, true love, and the BDSM lifestyle he craves. 

Follow Cassandra

Conner is a Dom, a cowboy bull ridin’, sweet talkin' sexy Dom.  Yay!!  I love cowboys!!  Right away after starting Impact, Conner sees another Dom mistreating his sub at the D/s club, Decadence.  Conner is right there, putting a stop to it.  I really loved this scene, because it showed a huge part of the man, his character.  One of my favorite quotes is “Character is what you do when no one is looking”.  Well, that applies here, because at Decadence, the Doms where hoods, so character is what you do when no one knows it’s you.  And Conner, well, Conner is a famous bull rider, and something happens in this confrontation that could seriously compromise his anonymity and perhaps jeopardize his job.  And someone does see him.  Jessica.  Jessica has visited the club several times, and has always been drawn to Conner, but has never taken part.  And now she sees who he is – and she knows him.

Whew!  This book is hot.  I mean seriously, it is situation after situation and it is just…hot.  For an erotic romance, this story will get you revved up and ready to go!  Conner is a dominant person throughout his entire life, from taking control of them bulls for 8 seconds at a time, to sticking up and taking care of the one who has captured his attention.  He isn’t afraid to step forward when he sees something wrong.  And if you are someone he loves, you have a bull on your side.  As for Jessica, she is strong in her own right, but you definitely see the sub streak in her, which makes her the perfect match for Conner. 

                “When you walked away from me last night, I felt like a piece of me was gone.”

Conner and Jessica get to know each other a bit on the tour, and I found myself glued to my kindle.  Of course, Conner is a man, and he has a million reasons not to move forward with what is obviously so right for him.  And Jessica is naturally submissive, so she doesn’t rightly speak up and scream what she wants.  The dance of getting to know you vs. I want you right now vs. I can’t imagine myself without you is so interesting and intriguing.   The drama and tension that builds between them is ridiculously hot.  And Conner is Dom and alpha and everything that is wonderful with a cowboy.  He is what cowboy dreams are made of!

 I read this story in one sitting, unwilling to let it go. This story was fast paced and full of action, in and out of the bedroom…and supply closet, and RV… and, and… you get the picture.  And on top of that the author did a fantastic job of really setting the scene outside of the erotic parts.  I mean it ladies; this is definitely not one to miss.  These two people are such a great pair; my only wish is that I could read a few hundred pages more about them!