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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blogger On Blogger Interview: Danielle @ Book Whore

Happy Thursday!!

I interview a lot of authors, we all do.  And it is really a lot of fun, right?  But who is it behind those interviews?  You!!!  So now I want to interview you! This post will run every Thursday (give or take a day due to scheduling) as long as I have people who want to be interviewed!  Check out the tab up there in my tab index for this feature.  That's where you can check out past interviews, upcoming bloggers, and sign up for your own interview! :)


This week I have the joy of interviewing Danielle at Book Whore. Danielle is an awesome and really great blogger that I've gotten to talk to a little bit here and there, and I was super excited when she signed up to be interviewed! So without further ado, here we go!

Hi Danielle! Thanks so much for interviewing with me! First, lets talk about your blog, Book Whore.  You have one of the most memorable names out there, how did you decide on it and was it your first choice?

Oh no! Book Whore was not my first choice. My first choice was actually Book Angel but my Dad shot that down because he says I am no angel. Night and day right? Book Whore was a joke amongst my friends because I always was whoring out books they should read. I fall in love with romance novels and I beg my friends to read it, secretly I do it to have someone to talk to about the books with.  When I started the blog I wasn’t sure if I should have the name Book Whore because it does kind of shock you a bit, but my husband talked me into it. I truly am a whore about books, and I am not ashamed of it.

My favorite reaction to the name of my blog was once an author asked me “what does your mother think about the name of your blog’? And I said “I think as long as I am not really a whore and I read, she is okay with it”. 
What kind of things can a new reader at your website expect to find? 
A new reader can expect honest reviews and not just from big name books but I love and enjoy indie authors as well. Also some great author interviews, awesome giveaways, and a fun online book club. 

And what are your favorite genres to focus on?
 I use to be a big fan of Paranormal Romance but recently a fellow blogger introduced me to a Sarah MacLean novel, and Historical Romance quickly stole my heart.  I honestly love anything in the romance genre, and I also like to dabble in a horror novel or two as well.

Danielle, you do several types of features on Bookwhore like Cover Wars, Let’s Talk, and then you vlog for The Sunday Post (hosted by Kimba The Caffeinated Reviewer).  Do you have a favorite?
I’d say it is a tie between Let’s Talk and The Sunday Post. I think these are my favorites because Let’s Talk I get to talk about book related things with others and The Sunday Post I get to check out so many other awesome blogs.  Also The Sunday Post causes my TBR pile to grow so much! I get exposed to books I would have never known about.

Ok, now I want to talk about your vlogging.  Every Sunday I make sure to catch it, for many reasons.  One of them is your cats LOL.  Another is that you just seem so comfortable and it makes watching your videos fun.  How is it for you?  Do you get nervous and edit a lot, or do you just do one shot and put it out there? (Pssst readers, here is a link to Danielle's most recent Sunday Post and vlog HERE)
Those crazy cats have been known to steal the show haven’t they? When I first started vlogging I was always so nervous, my early videos are shameful and they happened to be the ones with the most views. I didn’t really get comfortable till recently because I never received negative feedback. Eventually I just started to feel like I am talking to friends, and that no one minds that I stutter and trip over my words. Also I think vlogging is awesome because isn’t it just fun to see the faces behind the blog?

And Let’s Talk is kind of an editorial type feature.  Can you tell us more about this?
Click button to visit most recent post
Every week I select a topic to talk about but it is only book/reader related topics. Things that I as a reader go through or things I’ve seen others go through. I try to pick things other book lovers can relate to or just simply test the waters to find out if I am alone in my odd bookish behaviors. I love readings everyone’s answers and it just makes me feel like I am  not alone in some of my strange thoughts or habits.

Something else that is very exciting about your website – you host a book club!  How do you go about doing that, and picking your books?  And is there a place where readers can sign up if they want to join along?
I LOVE Book Club! The book club is definitely fun to get involved with; it brings readers from all over the world to discuss the current book club book. The best part about this book club is you get to participate from home in your pajamas. I keep a list of all the upcoming books on the blog and the reading schedule is located with the upcoming books. 

Sometimes I selected a book and find out if the author wants to pledge a few copies for participants, sometimes authors contact me wanting to donate books for participants. I have had some amazing authors donate books like Isaac Marion author of Warm Bodies, Kate Evangelista author of Taste, oh and the list goes on. I only accept books that fit into what I think readers would want to read and something that gives us something to talk about.

Some readers participate every month some take a break come back to a later book club that interest them more.  You don’t have to be a blog follower to participate just show up anytime Thursday for discussion. I have an assistant who helps me run book club her name is Cameron she is from What the Cat Read and we both stay posted on Thursdays to keep all discussions going. Having two people generate the discussion questions really helps give you multiple perspectives on the story.
This upcoming book club Cameron and I are running a bit of a test. Cameron already read the upcoming book and she liked it but she didn’t love it. We are testing a theory to see if book club enhances a reading experience.
If you want to check out Danielle's upcoming Book Club selections, click HERE

How long have you been book blogging, and what is your favorite part?
I’ve been blogging for almost two years now but I took a break for a bit in the beginning because of school. I really love just getting to meet and know new people who share a love of books like I do. Like you for example Liz I never met you in person but I consider you a friend. I feel like that with a lot of people I have met through blogging, I consider them my friends and we have never even met. Awww, thank you! The feeling is mutual!

Your website is very successful, and it happens to be one of my personal favorites. Do you have any tips for other bloggers?
Awww Thank You! Now that I am blushing! I say just don’t give up, and other bloggers are your lifeline. You can learn the most about blogging and improving your blog just from blogs around you, all you have to do is ask. You would be surprised how many bloggers are willing to help you figure out a code, or a cool widget if you just ask.

If you could live for one week inside any book – which book would it be and why?
OH!!! I want to live inside so many books! I would definitely hands down want to live inside a JR Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood novel. So many hot guys! So many hot love scenes! I am actually having a fan-girl moment right now thinking about it.

Do you go to any conventions, or do you have plans to?
This is going to sound odd but I actually go to a convention called Megacon every year. It isn’t a book convention but some authors do go but it is mostly comic book and graphic novel authors and artist. I go to Megacon and I let my geek flag fly, I dress up as a character with my husband and it is a blast. The year before last the hubby and I got to meet Stan Lee, and it was amazing.
 I also go to Spooky Empire every year which is a horror feast in October and  last year I got to meet the guy who place Sam Merlotte in True Blood, and Pam from True Blood. This year though I am definitely going to try and sneak in a con for books I just haven’t decided which one.

As book bloggers, we are usually on top of all kinds of social media.  Which outlet is your favorite?
I’m sadly really addicted to twitter. I like it because I get to talk to everyone about books and what I am reading and what they are reading. Twitter is a really good outlet to find awesome giveaways, and cool cover reveals, and find out what your favorite authors are up to. I also facebook on a regular basis but I just like posting book related pictures on facebook. 

And a lot of book bloggers feel very strongly about WordPress versus Blogger.  You use Blogger (yay team Blogger!) Is there any particular reason why, and for what reasons would you recommend it (or not)?
I debated for awhile about switching to Wordpress but I really like that blogger has a dashboard basically uniting us. Wordpress you get a space and that is it. People have to follow by email or twitter or the new linky. I like just following and having updates show up on my screen. Also blogger is incredibly user friendly. I am no computer genius I need a site that is user friendly, something I can operate and understand what I am doing.

And we will make this last one an easy one!  Please tell us your favorites!  Favorite Book or series, author, character…whatever you want!
First Book in Love By Numbers
I currently am REALLY into Sarah MacLean . I love her Love by Numbers series and she has a new series but it is a continuation of the Love by Numbers series. Definitely check that series out.  Sabrina Jeffries and her Hellions of Halstead Hall series, talk about romantic! JR Ward and the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. My favorite character recently I just fell in love with Travis from Beautiful Disaster, oh this list could go on forever! 

Thank you so much Danielle, for interviewing with me today!  It was a lot of fun getting to know you a little bit more!

Now, if you all want to follow Danielle (and you should!) Here is where you can start!