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Monday, October 20, 2014

Interview with Jennifer Blackwood, author of Unethical

Jennifer Blackwood

Love burns hotter the second time around…

Two years ago, the medical world was shaken by scandal, and Payton Daniels's family was at the center of it. The second she graduated, Payton left everything behind―her high school sweetheart, her family, and the controversy surrounding her mother's death—and hid within the anonymity of college. But Payton’s ex, Blake Hiller, hasn't forgiven her for leaving, and when he enrolls in the same medical ethics class, she panics. She can’t run the risk of him telling everyone who she really is. 

As if being at the same university isn’t enough, both Blake and Payton land the same internship. Forced together, their passion for each other reignites, but when Payton is asked to testify in her father’s high-profile trial, she must choose between risking her acceptance into medical school to help her father, and losing every connection to her past—including the only guy she’s ever loved.

Hello!!  So today I have an interview I did with Jennifer Blackwood for her new release, Unethical.  Sounds like quite the story, right?  I can't wait to see how it turns out!!

Hey Jennifer!  Thanks for taking the time today!
Thank you for having me, Liz! So excited to be here today.

So we are here because of your new release, Unethical.  If you had to describe this book in 5 words or less, what would they be?
Hmm...That’s a tough one. I’d have to say: sweet, sexy, controversial, funny, and heartfelt.

This is your first published novel, correct?  Do you have any advice for other authors who might be trying to publish their first book?
Yes, it is! My advice would be to invest in some great critique partners, ones who will give you honest, constructive feedback. Finding an agent who loves your book as much as you do is also very important! My agent, Courtney Miller-Callihan, has been with me throughout my pub journey and is an amazing resource and is always in my corner.

I LOVE New Adult, it’s one of my favorite genres.  What are some of your favorite New Adult books?
I love NA as well! Some of my favorites include The Hook Up by Kristen Callihan, Upside Down by Lia Riley, Make it Count by Megan Erickson, If Only by A.J. Pine, and A Little Too Far by Lisa Desrochers.

In Unethical, Blake and Payton are your main characters.  If this made it to the silver screen, who do you envision them being played by?
Eek! Good question! If I had to choose, I’d say Payton would be played by Anna Kendrick and Blake would be Dave Franco.

Do you have any other projects coming up that you can share with us?
I am currently working on book two of the Drexler University series which features two side characters from Unethical! The second book will feature Payton’s roommate and Blake’s best friend.

I see you wear a lot of hats; mom, teacher, editor, author… If you had to pick a different job from ALL of those, what would it be?
I think if I had to choose a different profession, I’d be a wedding planner. I just love weddings and I have some mad organizational skills (something where my anal-retentiveness would go to good use!).

What is the best thing about being an author?
Nothing makes me happier than fresh words and a happily ever after. Being able to get in a character’s head and really get to know them is truly a great feeling. Also, it has been an amazing experience connecting with readers and other authors.

And lastly, if you could be any character from any book – who would you be?
I would definitely be Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter books. Badass witch who’s smart and successful—need I say more?

Thanks for joining me today, Jennifer!  It was nice chatting with you!
Thank you for having me, Liz! I had a great time J