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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review: Revealing Us by Lisa Renee Jones

Title: Revealing Us
Series: Inside Out #3
Author: Lisa Renee Jones
Published: September 10, 2013 - Gallery Books
Format: Ebook received for review

You've discovered Rebecca's secrets. You've discovered Sara's secrets. Now Sara will discover "his" deepest, darkest secrets...but will those secrets bind them together--or tear them apart?

I am a huge fan of Lisa Renee Jones’ Inside Out series, and Revealing Us has really upped the ante. This story was sexy and hot, and yet full of mystery. Lisa Renee Jones continues to keep me glued to the pages with this continuing saga.

In this book I wouldn’t say there was a lot of action, like in the other books. There was some, but to me, it felt like there was more drama than anything. Chris and Sara… *sigh* I love them, but man, they can certainly exhaust you! But I love how much they love each other, how much they are devoted, and how much they are willing to go through Hell for each other. Chris is every bit the emotional roller coaster that Sara is, maybe even more so. So when Sara is a bit gun-shy when it comes to Chris, I totally understand.

This time around the couple has moved to Paris to stay at one of Chris’s homes. But there is certainly baggage that comes with a new country and an old home. And that baggage comes in the form of new characters! Woot! Honestly, I wanted to bitchslap some of them. One has me a bit intrigued. But really, all of them just need to leave Chris and Sara alone. Cause when they are alone the heat is cranked to a thousand and they are the sexiest people on the planet!

Sara really needs to beef up her exterior defenses, because every time she thinks with her heart rather than her head she gets knocked down. Just when I think to myself that Sara has really grown by leaps and bounds, something will happen and make me want to ask her what the hell she was thinking. But no matter how obscure Sara’s thoughts run, Chris always knows exactly where they are. Is she that easy to read, or are they soul mates? It’s hard to say, maybe a little of both?

This book really focuses on the two of them even more, and their relationship grows because of it. But there are still some mysteries to solves – and there are some definitely some bombshells dropped in this book! If you haven’t picked up this series yet, I really think you should. It has so many aspects to it, there’s something for everyone. The writing is intelligent and it just grabs you and doesn’t let go. The storyline is imaginative, and I think its erotic romantic suspense at its best.

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