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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Blogger On Blogger Interview - Esty at Boarding With Books

Hey Everyone!  Welcome back to the Blogger On Blogger Interviews!  It's been a while, hasn't it?  Well, today we have an interview with a great young blogger named Esty from Boarding With Books.  I also have a swag giveaway, which I haven't done in a while either.  Now bear with me - I recently moved, and I wasn't with it enough to get an actual picture LOL.  You know how it goes, right?  But trust me - I give out awesome swag prizes with things from authors like Cassandra Carr, Felicity Heaton, Kallysten, CJ Ellison and wayyy more.  I even have some blogger stuff from cool blogs like Herding Cats & Burning Soup, The Jeep Diva, and Riverina Romantics! So let's get on with it, eh?


Hello Esty, nice to meet you!
Can you tell us all a little about your blog, and how it began?

I've loved to read since I can remember, and as I got older I discovered authors' websites, and through the comments, book bloggers. After the first one I saw, I was in love. (This in my opinion the only real form of love at first sight...) I mean, bookish people get to rant and rave to each other- what more could you want?? A year or two after I became a blog stalker, I decided to become one myself:)

What genres do you typically read and/or review?

Middle grade and YA- fantasy, paranormal, sci-fi, contemporary, some romance and chick-lit. 

Your website says you go to boarding school, dance, and obviously, read.  I’m a bit curious – do you ever sleep? :)

Hahahah as of now, I work too! Not to mention helping around with my little siblings :) . The answer? Unfortunately, no. 

If you could recommend just one book to someone, which book would it be and why?

Assuming they read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson (these are the base books- everyone has to read these!) I would recommend The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. If there was ever a book to teach you about life and love, it's this one. 

You also review books in Hebrew.  That sounds very interesting!  Can you tell us a bit about that?

I moved to Israel when I was seven and am a fluent Hebrew speaker. I figured as I read in Hebrew too, I might as well blog about it! Sadly though, a lot of Hebrew books these days are translated from English, in which case I read the original. Due to that my Hebrew blog is a little neglected... :( 

Can you share a bit about a current book you are reading?

I'm currently reading The Exemus by Folami and Ebeni Morris for the Exemus book tour hosted by Candace's Big Blog:) I'm not far in yet so nothing to share but my review will be up on Sunday, August 25th- I'll tell you all about it then!
Since I'm late posting, HERE is the link! :)

What’s a day in the life of Esty like?

7:30 Roll out of bed. Slap my roommates awake. (breakfast) Go to class looking like a zombie. After school (5:00 pm) homework/read/hang/shop in the city/blog until 6:45 class activity. 7:15 dinner. After dinner, straight to dance, get back to school about 10:30-11:00, put away things, get organized, clean room, shower, heart-to-heart with a friend/call home and then my fave part- SLEEP. 

So Esty, what things can we expect from Boarding with Books in the next year?

Well, I'm hoping to host my first independant giveaway when I reach the 100 follower mark;) (hint hint, people) Also debating having my friend join the blog as a vlogger. Besides that, plenty more reviews, tours, challenges and memes for you, so stay tuned! 
I just love watching vlogs - and always envy the people who are brave enough to do it! :)

If you could trade places with any character in a book for one week, which one would it be?

Tessa from The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare. Living in Victorian London, learning how to fight and shadowhunter lore sounds like a dream come true to me. Not to mention frolicking around with certain Misters Herondale and Carstairs...;)

And lastly, what are your favorite and least favorite things about blogging?

Favorite- getting in touch with authors and readers! (Fine. I know everyone says that. But hey, IT'S THE BEST PART. Seriously. Shoot me an email.) 

Least favorite- staring at a screen. Ugh. My eyes. My back. 

Thanks so much Liz! I had a great time answering your questions!! 
Thank you!

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