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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Review & Giveaway of Whisper of Dreams by Keta Diablo

Title: Whisper of Dreams
Series: Sequel to Cradle of Dreams
Author: Keta Diablo
Published: July 14, 2014
Format: Ebook received for review

Sarah must get her son out of New Bern, North Carolina before he succumbs to an epidemic of yellow fever. Yankees have taken over the town and there is only one man capable of smuggling them out—Captain Elijah Fortune. Even though she betrayed him once, she appeals to the champion of her childhood for help. He’s more than happy to accommodate her, but the price of risking his life is steep. And the cost has nothing to do with money.

Last week I posted a review for Cradle of Dreams, which I loved.  Right after I finished reading that, I jumped right into Whisper of Dreams - and I'm so glad I did. Keta Diablo definitely has a talent and a skill for bringing the reader right in and capturing their attention.

So these books have a bit of time travel between present day and a time in the past.  In Whisper of Dreams we go back to 1864.  But first we start off in the present day with Sahara and Elias, who are in Mrs. Higgins' store - along with Miss Calypso! I really loved the intertwining thread of these characters.  I was smiling from beginning to end, really.  First of all, Mrs Higgins is quite a character.  She remains funny and wiser than she lets on.  She's the type of lady you'd love to sit down and just listen to her stories all day long.  And the cat... sigh.  The cat.  That Miss Calypso is definitely a feline who is after her own spotlight!

But as for our hero and heroine, Elias and Sahara.  Sahara is a woman whose heart is on the mend from an ex who was more than a bit of a womanizer.  She seems like a nice woman, and though you don't get to know too much of her, you know her enough to know she is good people.  A little shaky about approaching a new romance, but hey - we've all been there.  So when Elias is hitting on her and obviously interested, she is polite, but you can tell she just isn't ready.

And then we jump back and we meet Sarah and Elijah, who the bulk of the story was about.  What a very interesting pair!!  There is lifelong history between them, and a lot of things that had never been said but should.  But now Sarah is a single mother widow in a time when it was anything but easy to be that (not that it is ever easy, but in modern times we definitely have more resources available!) She is worried for her son when people are getting deathly ill left and right, and goes to Elijah for help.  She is a strong woman, and I love that.  You have to admire her inner strength to pull herself together for her child and herself.  It's not an easy task, I know firsthand.

As for Elijah... this man has some hard feelings, and it gave me a bit of Alpha-block.  I liked him, but I didn't LOVE him right off the bat.  Understandably, considering the things that happened in the past kind of shadowed his present perception of things, and he was definitely not shy about letting Sarah know exactly what he thought.  But he is also a man who grabs an opportunity when it presents itself and that lead to... well, it led to quite a bit of emotion preceded by some events that could only be described as racy and sexy and sensual and... well, deliciously hot. By the end of the story, he definitely was a man to lust after!

This book, although short in length, will take you through the full range of emotions you'd expect from a larger novel.  I mean it.  There are things that will make you laugh a bit, sweat, cuss, make you feel a bit worrisome and fearful... and you'll feel joy, love and hope.  It's all there.  Sahara and Elias, Sarah and Elijah... their stories are terrific.  I really love how Keta Diablo threaded the two couples together.  Like I said in my previous review, it's a bit of a Wizard of Oz effect, and I loved every second.

And hey - Keta is offering BOTH ebooks to one lucky winner!  So please be sure to enter the giveaway before you leave!