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Friday, July 18, 2014

Quickie spotlight on Their Second Chance, and a giveaway (April Angel)

Their Second Chance
April Angel

After five years with a man she loved, Ariana Parker held the divorce papers in hand. From the moment she met him, Nick was the only man to make her body burn and fill her heart with joy, but somewhere along the way, they lost their ability to communicate--in any language.

Nick Parker lost the woman he loved to the trials of conception. Their inability to cope with their failure broke down their relationship and their friendship. And now, he's left with a woman he lusts after, longs for, and doesn't know how to reach.

One locked door and plenty of time to hash out their problems will either leave them broken forever or might just be the glue that holds them together.

Hey everyone!  Super quick post for today - cause hey, it's Friday!!  I just wanted to put a little bit of a spotlight on Their Second Chance.  I've not read this yet, but I really want to!  As you can see I love Milly (April Angel).  So check out Their Second Chance and enter the giveaway!  Have a terrific weekend!!

Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything from soldiers to corporate romances.
I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.
When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because the voices won't shut up.
I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.
Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!

Find out more about Milly Taiden here:

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a Rafflecopter giveaway