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Friday, July 11, 2014

Meet Jessica from Crossroad Reviews (Blogger On Blogger Interview)

So it's been a while since we've had a Blogger on Blogger interview.  It's about due time, eh?  This week we have Jessica from Crossroad Reviews!

Hey Jessica!  Nice to meet you!
You run Crossroad Reviews, which is a new blog to me.  But it looks like an awesome site!  Can you tell us a little bit about your site?

Well it stated almost 7 years ago.  I loved reading and wanted to be able to share what I thought with other people.  So Crossroad Reviews was born. 

There is really a ton of things to see on your website, from books to movies to products.  And it looks like it’s all done by just you, right?  How in the world do you manage that?
LOL its a trip.  I am actually slowing down as of Aug.  In the past I was reading at least a book to two a day.  But I was getting burned out or having to give books to friends to stay caught up.  So starting in Aug. I am only reviewing one book a day. But, I tend to take books with me everywhere I go.  Even when we go to Universal Orlando I have my kindle paperwhite or Ipad. The other thing I learned to do was read REALLY REALLY FAST! 

Ok, first, I want to point out your event next week, Zombie Week.  What’s that about?  I love zombies, so I will be sure to check it out!
Well I started reading the Eat Brains Love series then started on Something Strange and Deadly and kinda realized that hey they were both about zombies.  So I thought I have a ton of books about zombies why not do an entire week of them?! So I created the button.  Im also doing a giveaway for all the books that I read that week.  It was a lot of books 3 posts a day. I ended up shortening it.  But I will be doing another one this year.  

Also, you do live author shows called #ReadOn.  This sounds really awesome.  What is it, and how did it start?
I LOVE my #ReadOn show.  Its a Live Author Interview show where fans can ask authors questions and have a chance to win swag and books.  Most of them are signed.  (EEP) Its all done via and you get to see the author.  I decided to do this because not that many authors come my way here in FL.  I wanted to be able to chat with authors and get questions answered. And shortly after #ReadOn was born.  It gives authors the chance to get their books out there and not having to leave their home and we get to do the same. BTW the show is on most Saturdays at 4pm EST. 

Where can authors go to sign up, and where can readers go to check out previous shows?
If you want to check out our shows, or want to sign up you can go here.  It has all the links and info you will need. 

What is your favorite book or series?  And do you have a “go-to” author that is always an autobuy?
OMG this is so hard!!  I think my fav series right now was The Selection series I was a little ticked about the ending but it was so good!!  My go to author isn't teen.  I have been addicted to Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter Series so whenever a new one comes out I grab it. She does have a spin off that is teen called The Nick Chronicles I get those to lol. 

Do you have any other events or things coming up on Crossroad Reviews that we should keep an eye out for?
Right now that would prob be the #ReadOn and LeakyCon as I am getting to go this year!!  I cant wait! 
The only other thing that I would like to share is my Top 10 Commenters win things once a month.  There is a thing on the left side bar where you can see where you stand. 

Thanks Jessica, it was great to sit and chat with you.  Now I’m off to dig through your site some more!
Thanks so much for having me!  It was a blast. 

Also be sure to keep a look out for Jessica on her social media sites, as she will have an exclusive look at the new Harry Potter section at Universal Orlando!  Here is the link if you want to join in on the Facebook event!
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