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Friday, January 17, 2014

Star Of The Week - AL Jackson and Rachel Aukes

Welcome to Star Of The Week!
This new feature is two-fold, so I hope you all enjoy it!
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First- Do you have a post of yours you'd like to spotlight? How about a Facebook giveaway? Maybe you were interviewed on another site? No matter what it is, no matter where it is, pimp it out!! Let's give ourselves a pat on the back, we all deserve it!

Second- Let's recognize someone else's hard work! Maybe you saw something amazing on Twitter, like a friend being helpful. Maybe one of your favorite authors made a heartfelt post somewhere (anywhere!) on the internet. Or maybe you saw a review, giveaway, or even a promo you wanted to bring more attention to. So do it!! Anything you want, you can do - just make sure you are doing it for someone else!

So that's it. Star Of The Week is about recognizing our own accomplishments, and passing on the warm fuzzies. Have some fun with it. Think outside the box. It doesn't have to be from a website! You can post something from YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, ANYwhere! I hope you will all join me!

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For my inaugural post I'd like to highlight I chose my review of 100 Days in Deadland.  I love Zombie books, they just get my blood pumping and my imagination going.  I love when they are so much more than just "surviving" but actually are about living on and rebuilding some form of... well, happiness. Rachel Aukes took a different take on zombies, and I loved it.  So click the cover to see my review :)  This book was terrific in it's excitement levels, but it also had the added bonus of being related to Dante's Inferno - but you have to read it to find out.  Anyways, I'm anxiously waiting for the second book to come out, and after you read this book - you will too. 


And for my post about someone else, I'm going to go back to last week.  I read and reviewed AL Jackson's book, Come To Me Quietly.  It was amazing.  Well, then I went to a Facebook event and "liked" her page.  And then she posted this video up of her seeing her book on the shelves at Target.  I couldn't help but smile when I saw it, so I wanted to give her another little shout-out. I haven't read a bad review of the book, and this is another one that I'm anxiously waiting for the second book.  Amy is one of those awesome authors who is just fun to "be" around (ok, I don't know her in person, but she's fun to hang out with online!)  I encourage you to read Come To Me Quietly.  I also hear that her other books are just amazing, so pick one (or more) up - I did! Congratulations, Amy, on this release!!  

Find AL Jackson Online