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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Interview & Giveaway: A Mate's Bite by Milly Taiden

A Mate's Bite
Milly Taiden

Mission: Don’t fall in love

After an explosive night of passion during a scenting ceremony, Karla Alves is sure she was just a one night stand for the man she'd been crushing on for years. She teased him and pleased him, and Nate hasn't been around since. Her fear of becoming clingy kept her from risking her heart and asking for more than a few hours of skin sin.

Mission: Crack her walls

She. Is. His. Nathan Wolfe marked Karla. His mate. Deeply involved in pack politics, Nate has had to stay away. When his sister warns that Karla needs him more than he thinks, he'll discover a bundle of secrets only his wolf can sniff out. But getting the woman he cares about to let down her guard may prove to be his undoing.

Mission: Embrace the bite

With Karla's wayward sister wreaking havoc and friends needing more of his time than ever, Nate will have to rearrange his priorities if he ever hopes to earn Karla's trust. But will time with her be enough? Only true love and a wolf's promise can hold together a relationship created with a bite, a scenting, and a hope for tomorrow

hey everyone!  I have an interview with author Milly Taiden to share with you today.  Later on today I will also post a review for this book - but I can give you a hint now, it was *awesome*.  I just love these wolves and their super bitey nature :)  Check out our interview and enter the giveaway!  Thanks for stopping by!

Hey Milly!  How’s it going?
Hi Liz! Thanks for letting me visit J I’m so excited to have another book to share.

So today we are here about A Mate’s Bite.  If you had to sum this book up in under ten words, how would you do it?
A sexy romance with action, humor, friendship and love.

I’m a big fan of yours, and I’m really excited to read this book.  But I’m curious – do you have any behind the scenes type of info for us?  Like maybe deleted scenes, or research you didn’t expect, bloopers?
LOL. Not really. I almost cut some stuff out but my awesome editor left it in at the last minute. I had some issues writing this because Karla and I were so connected I felt for her and it depressed me a little when she was sad or struggling. But once I got past that to the romance it was all good again.

Now Karla and Nate sound extremely hot.  Is there any celebrity you think would be able to play them in a movie?
LOL! Not particularly. I mean I don’t write your normal Hollywood couples. My girls are BBW with a side of sass, snark and a karate chop of action. I  sometimes visualize some of the plus sized models I see for catalogs or stores as possibilities, but again, these are real women to me so they’re not 6 ft tall. They’re short and bossy. Like me LOL

You also write under the name April Angel.  Is there any distinction between the names?
Yes, April Angel is a contemporary side to me. I write erotic stories that take place in the here and now.

Do you have any other books you are working on that you can share?
Um, I’m always working on like 2 or 3. I have one half way and one almost done but I can’t share because I may decide to write a new one and forget those two for now. LOL

Who is your favorite character from all of your books?
Don’t have one. Girl! Don’t you know not to ask that question? LOL. I love all of them. They each hold a special part of me.

And if you could be any female in any of your books, who would you choose?
Hm. Probably Ellie Wolfe. She kicks ass but loves her friends and family and will do anything for them.

You’ve been pretty successful as an author.  I, for one, love every book I’ve read of yours.  Aside from awesome writing, what else do you think it takes to be a successful author these days?
Lots of social interaction with readers. Sometimes people think writing them one after another is enough. If people don’t get to know you, they won’t know you’re awesome and therefore your books should be read LOL. My crazy way but I like to chat with readers. They’re the reason I sell books. And I appreciate them for reading my work.

As a reader, what are your favorite genres and authors?
I like both Paranormal and Contemp. And even horror too!
Some paranormal authors I love are Mina Carter, Tara Lain, Alivia Anders, Ally Shields and Lindsay Avalon.
From the contemporary side I am a fan of Rachel Firasek, Nicole Kuhn, and Allie K. Adams.

How about a game of This or That? Let’s do it!
Country Mansion or City Penthouse? City Penthouse. I would love a country mansion but since I am a big scary movie buff, I know they always end up haunted!
Chocolate Fudge or Salty Potato Chips? Need you ask? Chocolate of course!
Liquor or Beer? Chocolate Martinis.
Winter or Summer? Winter
Funny or Scary (as in movies)? Scare me!!!!

Ok Milly, that should do for today.  Thanks for taking the time, and good luck with the release of A Mate’s Bite!
Thanks for letting me visit!!! Hope you enjoy the book!

Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything from soldiers to corporate romances.

I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.

When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because the voices won't shut up.

I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.

Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!

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