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Monday, January 27, 2014

Beautiful Addictions by Season Vining - Interview & 5 book giveaway!

Beautiful Addictions
Season Vining

Josie Banks is a girl without a past. After being found unconscious with no memory, she was shuffled in and out of foster homes where she suffered years of abuse. An experience that left her broken, damaged, and clinging to drugs and meaningless hook-ups to numb her pain.

When Josie disappeared years ago, she took a piece of Tristan with her. She’s the girl he thought he lost forever—the one he’s never been able to forget. Now a twist of fate has brought them back together, and he never wants to let her out of his inked arms again. But Tristan is haunted by a dark past of his own. On the run from ruthless criminals that shattered Josie’s world years ago, reentering her life puts them both in danger.

As Josie and Tristan’s lives become tangled once again, they find themselves unwilling and unable to escape the relentless pull that draws them together. But will the past leave their love in ruins—or bind them together for a lifetime?

Hello!!  I hope you are all having a good Monday!!  Here in Detroit we have a bunch more snow!  I tell ya, I love the snow, but I am DONE with it!

So today I have an interview with Season Vining AND a giveaway!!  This book sounds terrific, and I hope you all get a chance to read it!!

Hello Season!  It’s so nice to meet you!  Please come in and have a seat!

So your book, Beautiful Addictions, releases tomorrow!  Congratulations, first of all.  How does it feel?
It’s truly surreal. I keep waiting to wake up from this dream. Of course, if was really a dream there’d be more beautiful half-naked tattooed people around here. And more wine.

And what can you tell us about this book, something we don’t know from the blurb?
Something not covered in all the promotional material for Beautiful Addictions is the lovely group of secondary characters that bring humor, compassion, and style to this serious and mysterious story. From the lovable macho neighbor to the friendly homeless kids in the park, they all bring their own level of attachment to the main characters, Josie and Tristan.

This is your first published book, but I’ve read your “About Me” section on your website.  You mention something about an Ode to New Kids On The Block.  Ahem… yes!!!  So yes, this is a little off topic, but who was your favorite, and do you happen to remember how any of these odes went??
Excuse my fangirl squealing, but JOEY MCINTYRE was my favorite! I don’t remember any poems specifically, but they could have went something like... Roses are red, Joe’s eyes are blue, he sings like an angel and looks like one too. That’s genius stuff right there. Copyright 2014.
Ha!  I was (and still am!) a total Jordan-girl!

Beautiful Addictions sounds like a really great New Adult romance.  How did the story begin, like before you even wrote it?  Was it a character, or a plotline, something else entirely?
It all started with a dream I had. I woke up and remembered every vivid detail. It haunted me for a few hours before I decided to write it down. Then it sat in a notebook until I accidentally discovered it a few months later. It’s the alley scene, the first meeting of my two protagonists in the first chapter. Though this scene doesn’t play a big role in the rest of the story, it introduces the intensity and gravitational pull of these two characters.

The road to publishing can be a long one.  Is there something that you-now would have wish you told you-then?
Dear Me (then), these people have confidence in you and your abilities. Stop questioning yourself and focus on your writing. Also, everything in publishing takes a while to happen.

So now that you are a published author, what’s next?  Do you have any other books in the works 
When Rose Hilliard of St. Martin’s spoke of her excitement for this book, I had no idea what that meant. They offered a three book deal and of course, I was equal parts terrified and thrilled. There isn’t a series or sequel planned (things could change). I’m currently working on book two, which is due to my editor THIS MONTH. Eek!

If you could bring any character from any book to life, which character would you bring – and why?
Probably Hermione Granger. She’s such a complex character, brilliant, and even a romantic. We’d have loads to talk about.

Josie and Tristan sound like really interesting characters.  Let’s pretend we are making a movie – who would be your ideal pick to play them?

Oh, this is hard, but I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t thought about it. I think Zac Efron would make a fantastic Tristan. Imagine him covered in tattoos and whispering the scientific properties of fireflies in your ear. Take a moment. Okay, moving on. For Josie, it’s a much harder decision. She’s so dear to me, such an extension of my inner voice. It’s difficult to assign a physicality to that. I mostly picture Nina Dobrev, from The Vampire Diaries. She’s beautiful and could easily possess a dark side to capture the inner workings of Josie.

What is a day in the life of Season Vining like?
Wake up. Let my corgi, Chap, out. Search through the fridge for breakfast. Search the pantry. Then go back to the fridge in case something magically appeared while I was otherwise occupied. Settle for a piece of fruit or a granola bar. Let Chap back in and feed him. Check my schedule for the day. Check social media. Like 83 things on Facebook. Retweet a thing or two. Pimp my book in some imaginative way that won’t annoy people. Play with Chap. Lunch (which may or may not consist of frozen food, leftovers or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). After lunch is when I sit down and focus my brain on being creative. Whether it is revising, editing or writing original material, I make it my only objective. This time varies from a minimum of one hour to several/many hours. My evenings are reserved for family time, game nights and Project Runway. On fun days, I get to leave my cave to run errands, attend my writers’ group or have lunch with my ex-coworkers.

Something that may be a hard question:  I’m a magic genie (ok, not really) and I’m going to give you a choice – Ten Million Dollars or Live An Extra Ten Years? 
That’s not a hard question at all. I’d take the extra ten years. More time to spend with my family and friends. Plus, I’d get to enjoy all the new advancements in technology.

What is the craziest/oddest/funniest thing we would find in your purse?
After digging through that bottomless pit of gum wrappers and pocket change, the oddest thing found was a print ARC of Beautiful Addictions with a phillips head screwdriver as a bookmark.

And a classic question:  What is your favorite cuss word?
Fuck. Hands down.

Ok Season, I think that’s enough with the interrogation today! Ha!  Thank you so much for taking the time, it’s been a real pleasure learning more about you!

Beautiful Addictions

a Rafflecopter giveaway