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Monday, June 4, 2012

Jennifer James talks about... Sexy Geeks! Guest Post/Excerpt

Hey everyone!  Today Jennifer James wrote out a fab post about something near and dear to my heart - the sexy geek!  Love them!!  Thanks Jennifer!

Sexy Geeks.
Ten years ago, I never thought I’d put those two words together and actually mean them. No sarcasm attached.
Sexy. Geeks.

But I’ve learned, I’ve been schooled. With shows like Dr. Who, Chuck,  and The Big Bang Theory, I think that geeks have finally gotten the recognition they deserve as sexy beasts more than capable of getting a woman’s panties (or man’s boxers! Let’s not forget lady geeks) to fall off. Now, they may employ means like a special laser gun, or perhaps woo their prospective love interest with things like Star Wars marathons and their knowledge of World Of Warcraft slang instead of, say, I don’t know, endless football games.

There’s just something about a guy or gal who engages your brain along with your libido. Someone who can debate the merits of the book versus movie versions of Lord of the Rings or can spout lines from movies with you in a pseudo conversation that just gets the blood pumping.
And geeks are no longer assumed to be wimpy guys and gals without some muscle behind those pocket protectors and button down shirts. Oh no, not only are they in possession of sexy brain power, they’re also packing serious muscular mojo as well.
In Love Kinection, my upcoming release from Decadent Publishing, Abby Fine is a heroine in need a geek. A really yummy geek who can help mend her broken heart. She loves Dr. Who, The Princess Bride, and owns every book Anne Mc Caffery ever wrote.
Lucky for her, Tom Walker is not only a tech god, he’s also well versed in the awesomeness that is a good bad B-movie, the fun of playing video games, and, well, he likes to go to the gym. What more can a girl ask for?

Love Kinection
Jennifer James

Love, romance, hearts, flowers, cupid…. Rubbish.

Abby Fine still hasn’t gotten over the pain of a year-old betrayal and plans to spend this Valentine’s Day drowning her sorrows with a ménage of men named Ben, Jerry, and Riesling.

Her plans are diverted when she drops and breaks her new iPhone and gives in to a momentary hormone surge, agreeing to let office hottie and tech god Tom Walker squirm his way into her condo to fix it.

Tom shows up with his Xbox, spicy Chinese food, and a habit of stealing kisses every time she lets her guard down.

Can a weekend of laughter, video games, and movies change Abby’s opinion of stupid Cupid?

His hands crossed the gap between our bodies and rested on my hips.  Backing away would be the smart thing to do. But hope filled my belly he’d kiss me again. The stupid part of my brain had taken control again, and I didn’t fight it. I wanted a real kiss. “So if you are in fact the geekier geek, what do I get as a forfeit?” he asked.
The shadow of stubble covered his chin and his upper lip, ran up to the short sideburns he wore. His ears begged to be nibbled on. What would that stubble feel like brushed against my skin? Dangerous thoughts, especially since my hands had somehow ended up on his waist and my fingers clenched his shirt. I looked at his arms, still surprised by the size of muscles when they flexed. If the biceps were any indicator of the body hidden under the cloth, it broke the mold of a stereotypical geek’s.
“Yeah. You know, like a prize.”
“I think you already got a forfeit. You got to see me naked.” And all I’ve gotten is a few stolen kisses.
“That was an accident.” He grew hard against my belly. It pleased me to wonder what direction his thoughts had gone. I wondered if ice cream intoxication existed. “How about sex in my truck?”
“No. Car sex isn’t really comfortable. And who said anything about sex?”
“A man can hope. Besides, I know you’ve thought about it.”
“Have not.”
“Have, too.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
He shook his head. “I promised to behave. You kiss me.”

Stalk Jennifer (Like I do!)