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Friday, October 11, 2013

Review: Wicked Thing by Angeline Kace (and giveaway!)

Title: Wicked Thing
Series: No
Author: Angeline Kace
Published: September 26, 2013, Accendo Press
Format: Ebook received for review

Carmyn Rafferty witnessed the aftermath of her mother's affair. She learned at a young age not to trust anyone. Especially not your spouse. So she's planned. She's planned every detail of her life: who her husband will be, what their careers will be, what their lives will be like. All to avoid the pain of infidelity. 

Dallas Brown lives according to his own terms. He doesn't do relationships, he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, and he doesn't live up to anyone's expectations.

When Carmyn's fiancé cheats on her, it sends her into a whirlwind of one-night stands with the most infamous player on campus. She can't seem to stay away from this tough guy and his dangerous motorcycle. Everything about him is the complete opposite of who she'd planned to fall in love with: tattoos, dark stubble along his jawline, and hair that brushes his shoulders.

As Dallas and Carmyn begin to fall deeper and deeper into each other, they learn that love can truly be a wicked, wicked thing.

So Angeline Kace has done it again. She makes me so mad!!! She gives me these great characters to read about, and bam! Then a few hundred pages later, the book is done and I’m left trying to remember what life was like when I was reading about them :)

I was a bit nervous before I started this book. I love Kace’s Vampire Born series, and I was worried about the transition to New Adult. But this book was flipping awesome! No need to worry, Angeline was able to cross genres with ease. And as a reader, I loved that this book had absolutely no similarities to her other books (other than being awesome!)

Wicked Thing is the story of Carmyn and Dallas. Both of them have cheating in their past on their parents part, and it has helped shaped who they are now – people who don’t necessarily want to find themselves in a relationship. Something I love about the New Adult genre, it’s usually involving people who think they know what they want. They fall in love, and they fall HARD. Carmyn and Dallas thought they could be just friends, and that’s what they get for thinking!

Individually I really liked these characters. Carmyn is struggling to find out who she is after catching her boyfriend being a total asshole. She’s caring and thoughtful, although there are definitely a few times in this book I wanted to shake her and tell her to wake up and see what’s right in front of her!

Dallas is a swoon worthy hero. He’s artistic, tattooed, he rides a motorcycle and has a bit of a bad boy image. He’s everything we fall all over ourselves to get to, right? I loved this man, even though at times he was a bit pessimistic. He does portray himself as a bit of an asshole at times, not wanting to owe anyone for anything. He was even callous at times. But in the end, he is packing a heart of gold, and that is worth the wait.

Dirty Dancing, as in the movie with Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze, is featured several times in this book and its done to perfection! If you love this movie like I do, you definitely want to read this book. It made me giggle and give the deep dreamy sigh watching things unfold.

She glances down at the bulge in my pants and smiles, stepping back. My grin settles crookedly on my face. “I thought you weren’t looking for anyting.” The look in her eyes says she’s clearly looking for something now. And she just found it.

“I’m not.” Her eyes meet mine. “You came looking for me.”
I chuckle. I did. I reach forward and cup her face in my palms, locking my lips again with the woman who smells like an angel, but kisses like the devil. I stroke the devil’s tongue with mine. She makes a sound so full of pleasure and invitation, I pick her up, wrapping her legs around my hops. She’s drunk, but she sure aas shit knows what she’s doing. I spin us around so her back is resting against the wall and cup her perfect ass.

She pulls her head back slightly and whispers, “I only want this one night.”

Angeline Kace’s writing was smooth and easy to follow. It grabbed me in and made me read the book in one day, actually. I flew through the pages, gobbling up each word. The story was just fun to read. There were some delicious kisses and some hot scenes. The drama was spot on. Just all in all it was a really good book to read, and I think fans of the New Adult genre will totally dig it.

Fine Angeline Online 


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