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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Book Etiquette?

I am curious how everyone deals with free books?  I don't mean from giveaways or review purposes, but more like books from Pixel of Ink or NetGalley.  Do you grab as many as you can?  Pick and choose?  Let me know!  There's no prize or anything haha.

Personally, if its Pixel Of Ink, if its anywhere near a genre I may enjoy I grab it.  I have found many new authors that I adore this way.  But I am new to NetGalley, and I'm not really sure how to approach it.  There are so many books on there I'd love to read (and review!), but I am not sure what etiquette dictates in this sort of a situation?

And I suppose while I am on the subject, lets talk giveaways. Do you enter as many as possible, or pick and choose?