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Monday, January 21, 2013

Review: One Plus One by Kay Dee Royal

Title: One Plus One
Series: No
Author: Kay Dee Royal
Published: December 2011 by MuseItHOT Publishing
Tour: Yes, Bewitching Book Tours
Format: Ebook provided for review

Coerced by her friend, Lacinda, a woman crushed by love, winds up on a three week singles cruise.

Blade, a man of means, discovers Miss Right under the guise of a singles cruise set up by his business partner.

Once Blade focuses his efforts he always gets what he’s after, until Lacinda throws his arrogant reputation back in his face.
Can Blade break through Lacinda’s angry barriers? Will she ever see him as anything more than a player?

This story was definitely hot. In fact, I might be on the phone this very minute trying to find this cruiseline so I can book my own One Plus One cruise! Don’t bother to tell me its fictional, it must be a reality somewhere, right?

Kay Dee Royal is a new to me author, but I think I am definitely going to add her to my list of authors I want to read more from. For under sixty pages, this short story really packed a punch. We have Lacinda, who has been tricked into a cruise – a sex cruise! And for some reason, her limo driver is the same as the steward who helps her onto the ship. And it doesn’t end there.

I really enjoyed this. It was a great surprise! There were a few sex scenes ranging from dirty-hot to sensual to romantic, and I enjoyed every one of them. The characters were all very likeable, although I would have loved to know them more in depth. Of course, the main characters, Blade and Lacinda were my favorite. But Travis and Mazie were full of surprises with every page turn. I’d be really interested to read their story, actually.

Overall, if you are looking for a quick read I recommend this. The scenery was beautiful with an island and a cruise ship. The sex was boiling hot. The bit of emotion we get to see was just the tip of the iceburg of what’s to come for this lucky couple.

 About the Author:

Kay Dee Royal writes paranormal and fantasy romance—maybe because it's also her favorite genre to read! She pens tales with wild, rugged heroes and strong, intelligent heroines. She'll give them both a few shadowy secrets, making her stories intriguing and fun. She resides in Southern Michigan with her family (her dogs, her cats, her caged husband... you get the idea). You can reach her at her blog and find the latest on her titles from her publisher, MuseItHot.