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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Review of Lucifer's Daughter by Eve Langlais

Format: Ebook provided by author for review

Being Lucifer’s daughter can be hell.

Hi, I’m Muriel, the only white sheep in a sea of black ones, and a virgin to boot. I am determined to wait for love, but my dad, more commonly known as Lucifer, just wants me to stop being an embarrassment. I’m hoping the hunk that I met in my bar will turn out to be the one–just looking at him makes my insides melt like marshmallows over the coals of hell, but trusting is hard when it seems everyone I get close to ends up trying to kill me.

Not only am I dealing with an extreme case of lust, there’s a new threat in hell, one my dad says to ignore. Something easier said than done since it seems everywhere I turn demons are trying to kill me. But I’m okay with that, because one thing I’ve learned being a princess of hell is that sometimes I have to grab a demon by the horns and slap it around a bit.

A rebellion in hell, demon assassins and scorching kisses, could my life get any more interesting?

          … Couldn’t you at least sin a little? You’re supposed to be a princess of Hell.”

And with that we meet Lucifer.  Satan.  The One and Only.  The Big Bad.  And let me tell you, he is awesome.  And in this story Satan is a dad.  And he is funny and snarky and quick-witted, just like his daughter, Muriel.  Sure, he’s still got a job to do running Hell and all, but he also has a 23 year old daughter to look after, and she is a hand full!

Meet Muriel. She still holds her V-card, but she owns a bar.  She wants to make it on her own, and she wants to make it with a man (but don’t tell her dad, he’d be elated!)  Ok, so those are two different versions of “make it” but who is counting? So when Mr. Gorgeous and Full of Hotness himself walks into her bar, she’s left breathing a little heavy.

Let’s meet Auric. Everything about him is best left for you to find out.  But I will tell you he is hot, scarred, and he makes me wish I was Satan’s daughter too.

I loved this story!  It had everything that I look for.  Funny and smart woman?  Check.  Super-freakin-hot man? Check.  Danger and intrigue? Check.  Impossible situations, secrets and intense heat? Check check check! In a great style I have quickly come to associate with all things Eve Langlais, Lucifer’s Daughter knocks this one right out of the park.  And Muriel has a rocking fashion sense on top of it all.  Demons, hellhounds, succubi, shifters, angels, and more. 

I found Auric to be a formidable match for Muriel.  I love him.  From his very beginning gruffness, to an unusual display of love set to music (ahem, which was all too perfect after Googling to get the scoop for myself), to his alpha personality and bottomless love for Muriel.  And he has a scar.  Scars are definitely sexy, maybe even more so than tattoos! Auric doesn’t show all of his cards at once, he slowly lets out his wonderfulness.  And I’m hooked.  I want to read a hundred books all set around this green eyed, raven haired beauty of a man.

Muriel is perfectly written.  She is a tough girl, and she is smart.  She wants to be independent, but she is still her father’s daughter.  She has weapons and power, and great style.  Her family (which is sizable) loves her.  She lit up the pages with her wit and attitude.  Her past has secrets that I can’t wait to get the answers to – like who is her mother??

I loved this book that I went right to Amazon and purchased the next in the series, Snowballs in Hell.  So stay close for a review of that in the upcoming weeks, and also the Freakn’ Shifters series which I have coming up too!

Ok, one more quote from Lucifer’s Daughter:

          “You’re making me look like a bad parent.  My minions in Hell are laughing at me.  There have even been rumors I’m no longer fir to be the Father Of All Sin, since I can’t even control my own daughter.”

Love it!

Follow Eve

Next in series: Snowballs in Hell. I'm not giving you the synopsis to avoid spoilers, but I thought I'd share the glorious cover! :)

Cyborgs: More Than Machines

Just released in April!

Genre: Science Fiction / Futuristic / Cyborg RomanceLength: 48, 850 (large novella)ISBN: 978 1927 459 010 
 She thought herself a robot, defective and unique among her kind, until he taught her how to live again.

I dreamt I was once human. I lived a nightmare as a robot. But love taught me I was more than a machine.