Many thanks to Felicity Heaton, Caris Roane and H. D. Thomson for hosting such an awesome hop! We're here to celebrate all things vampire, woohoo!
Personally, I've loved vampires for years and years. I've spent ridiculous amounts of money on Halloween costumes, I've even gone so far as to crazy glue individual fangs on to my own teeth. *sigh* Good times, lol.
Nowadays, I like to read about vampires. The Black Dagger Brotherhood, Dark Secrets, Sons of Navarus, Vampirerotique, Damon and Stefan (gratuitous Damon picture to follow!!) and books by such awesome authors as Wynne Channing, Beck Sherman, Emma Mills, Krystle Jones, Tara Wood and oh so many more have ensured that those fanged wonders of the world will always be within reach. Oh, and of course, here is the sexiest of them all:
Ahhhhh. Nice. It doesn't get too much better than that, does it? Frankly, whatever else I planned on saying has left my mind.................................................................................................. Oh, giveaway, that's right.
Let's do this easy - International, $15 in book(s) from The Book Depository - any book you want, as long as its vampire related!! Good, eh? So just enter the rafflecopter, and enjoy the hop!! Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning notification, click on BD graphic to find out if they ship to you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway