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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blogger on Blogger Interview: Proserpine Craving Books

Welcome to the Blogger On Blogger Interview!!  Today is my last one for a little bit, and next week I will be starting a new weekly feature called Nobody Asked Me!  So today is a bit bittersweet to me, but that could just be PMS LOL.  I am SO very excited to have Proserpine from Proserpine Craving Books, and she is just one of the most awesome people I have ever met!  I am sure you will have a blast getting to know her, and checking out her blog! 

I also have a swag giveaway today!  It is, of course, international, and it will end on Monday.  Good luck to everyone with that!  This one has some bookmarks, magnets, trading cards, and rack cards. There's even some signed stuff in there, too!

So let's get on with the interview!!


Hey Proserpine!!! I am so completely excited –in a non creepy way – to have you over to Fictional Candy today! Thanks for coming by!

Oh! I'm thrilled to be here! Thanks for having me on your blog today! It's kind of weird to be the one interviewed

First, lets tell the readers a little about your website, if you will, please? 

OMG! As you may know and it's probably the case for you too, this blog is my baby for over a year and a half and it's mostly about books! Hehe... I wanted to express myself to the entire world about the books and authors that I fell in love with! Everything with romance will do, but my thing is Paranormal Romance! So my blog is mainly on these stories! 

And how did you come up with the name, Proserpine Craving Books? 
Ahah! This is my special secret! (With a Russian accent) Proserpina is actually the wife of Pluto in Roman mythology. They are the same God/Goddess as Persephone and Hades in Greek mythology. I'm a huge fan of Hades and Persephone myths. I always dreamed to be Persephone, in a romantic way, of course! So I picked up her name even if I knew that Proserpina wasn't known as much as Persephone, but it felt less awkward to take Proserpina and just change the ''a'' to ''e'' and make it more personal! (I know, I'm a freak!)
Now, since I’ve known you for a little bit and I’ve stalked you all over (again, in a non creepy way) I know some stuff…. First, and this is completely awesome, English isn’t your first language! Was it very difficult to learn? 
Reading or watching a movie/ TV Show isn't difficult for me, it's the easy part! But writing and speaking is more complicated to someone like me who's a French Canadian! At first, it was horrible! And a lot of people think that we can translate English from French... But it’s not the case! I'm still learning and also needs to check the spelling of some words on Google but I think I'm better each time! 
And your day job - I think its fascinating! Just how did you get into the field of….. I’ll let you tell us! And do you have any spooky experiences you could share? 
Embalmer! Yes, I am a sexy chick, book nerd, working with corpses! I guess it's why I'm fascinated by Hades! When I was younger, I was afraid to die, afraid of death and maybe it was a way for me to come over this fear but also the fact that I was able to mix science and artistic field. 
As for the spooky experiences, except the one I did by myself, like being afraid of my own shadow, or being scared by a family member while I thought I was alone in the funeral home, no spooky experiences for me and its better that way, trust me! 

But you know: Funeral = Real Fun :D
And you are also a newlywed! Is your new husband understanding of your book obsession? Are you ever able to get him to read your books? 
Yes! And guess what! It was a Corpse Bride theme wedding! I'm married since August 4th 2012 with my own Hades! It was a little and intimate wedding, with family and close friends. The wedding was outside at my parent's chalet and the temperature was like 40 degrees! It was HOT!!! A beautiful sunny day, but hot! 
As for my obsession, my husband doesn't get it but he doesn't mind it too much! Sometimes he even bought me books!!! He likes to read, but it's not really his thing and plus, he doesn't read in English...
What is your favorite genre to read, and do you have any favorite authors? 
Paranormal Romance is my favorite genre to read. Everything with vampires, werewolves, witches, supernatural beings, anything paranormal will do if it's mix with romance! I do love Historical Romance too if you give me a hot and sexy Highlander O.O And finally, recently discovered Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire and now, I also crave New Adult Romance!

Favorite authors:

Karen Marie Moning with The Fever and The Highlander series

Kresley Cole with The Immortal After Dark series

Samantha Young with On Dublin Street series

Misty Evans with her Kali Sweet series

more and more!

Do you have any advice for new bloggers? 
I think everyone will or would say that: stay yourself. Be true to you, work with your imagination, don’t just follow meme or post cover reveal because everyone can do that! When I started to blog, I didn't know that the book blog field was that HUGE! I was following a few blogs here and there but now I can truly see the extent of it and it's huge but awesome. So if you want to be noticed and stand out you have to be yourself and creative! 
What do you think the hardest part of reviewing and blogging is? 
Writing skills! LOL I don't have them while I write in French, so you can guess what it is is in English! I don't have any particular skill at writing, sometimes I feel like my review looks all the same! But the hardest part is to read something you don't like and as an honest reviewer, you have to write an honest review! 
I see you have a ferret! Is he (she?) just awesome? Is that your only pet? 

Yes ''she'' was (Morgan); she died a few months ago :( But I'm ok now and since I want to be a future mommy, I didn't get another pet, yet!  Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that hun! :(  
If you could travel anywhere in the whole universe, where would you go?
I would LOVE to go and even LIVE in Scotland or Ireland! My husband will be turned into a sexy Highlander and would have to wear a kilt... (Swoon!) It was supposed to be are Honeymoon travel but it’s too expensive for us at the moment! 

And one of your questions from your reviews (that I have stolen many a time), if you were a Disney princess, which one would you be? 

Not fair... I would be Megara from Hercules. She's witty, fierce, beautiful, and independent (well at some point), she rubs Hades in the wrong way and since they didn't make a Disney movie about Persephone, she's the closest thing to it! I think we kind of look alike! 

Ok, I’ll let you off the hook for now! Thank you so much for coming by and talking with me :) 
Always a pleasure! Thanks to you for letting me take over your blog with my creepy answers and pictures! 

And now you can follow Proserpine Online too!