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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Interview & Giveaway: Annie Walls (Controlling The Dead)

Controlling The Dead
Annie Walls

With the help of her new companions, the path Kansas follows leads to more knowledge of the ever adapting famished.

The team finds help in unlikely places, meeting more survivors, and discovers the possibility of a new beginning.

When the team experiences a devastating loss, Kansas struggles to keep her humanity from fading and distorting like that of the surviving society around her. It begins with knowing who to trust and who to leave behind. First, she must trust herself – she won't make the same mistakes twice.

As the answers to her questions are revealed, Kansas begins to understand the knowledge comes with a heavy price and great responsibility of controlling the dead.

In a trilogy plot thick with twists and turns, this adult dark fantasy is as emotional as it is horrifyingly gripping.

So on October 27 I did a review of this book, but I didn't think that was enough, so I cornered Annie and made her answer my questions!  So damn it, here is the interview! :)

Hey Annie!!  How the hell is it going?  Thanks for coming by and chatting with me!
Hey, Liz! Thanks for having me. You know I love being on Fictional Candy.

Ok, this tour is for the second book in The Famished Trilogy, Controlling the Dead.  What can we expect to happen in this book?
Hmmm…. A lot? LOL. I tried my BEST not to make Controlling the Dead have the “2nd Book Syndrome,” so you know I had to step up my game. I didn’t make it easy for my characters. Kan deals with the ramifications of the fallout in book one, personal and not so personal. She hordes a lot of guilt and anger over what happened. She’s less vulnerable in this book, but of course, other people are more vulnerable to her. Kan learns some unexpected things. You’ll meet several new colorful characters and discover new settings.

Kansas is one of my all time favorite characters.  Was there an actual live inspiration for her, or was she born purely of imagination?
Kan is purely imagination. She’s strong, but not overly so… she’s real. Although, Kan and Malachi were in a short story before I dropped them into a zom poc.

Now this trilogy is about ZOMBIES!!  What made you go that route?
I don’t know, really. I was watching a lot of zombie movies at the time, so I suppose that had a lot to do with it… one in particular, The Serpent and the Rainbow. Excellent book and movie.

And since zombies aren’t real – YET – how do you research something like this?
Google this: Zombie mythology. Learn all you can and then twist it up and make it your own. =)

I’m sure it would be like picking a favorite child, Annie, but I’m going to ask anyway – who is your favorite character from this trilogy?
It is like picking a favorite child. LOL! All my characters have a little bit of me in them. For an example, Glinda has my sassy humor. Kan has my stubbornness. Mac lets out my perverted side. I have to say Rudy is my fave, BECAUSE he ultimately has more of me than any other character. He’s selfish, but selfless at the same time. Reserved, but says what he needs to and when he needs to.

I know any zombie fan has an apocalypse plan.  Do you care to share any of yours with us?
No. Not really. I gave my plan to Kan. To hide out until everything blows over, but we all know how that worked out.

Annie – what’s a day in the life of Annie Walls like?
Pretty boring. LOL. I’m a mom and do mom things. ;)

Do you have any upcoming projects you could share with us?  Perhaps new books, or appearances or whatever?
Yes! I have a lot going on in the term of projects and appearances. I’ll be posting all my short stories and character stories on my site. My new series is set to release after Living with the Dead releases.
For 2014, I’ve have three events I’ll be attending. Sweet as Peach, Georgia Indie Author Event in April. UtopYA in June, and I’ll be in Seattle in June for an author event hosted by Ali from Gingerreads.

Ok, tough question – what is your favorite zombie book?  And you can’t pick your own J
I don’t have a favorite, per say. Right now, I’m not into reading zombie books at all… but I love David Wellington’s Monster Trilogy.

Well Annie, I think that’s it for now.  I think we both survived!  Do you have any parting words for the readers today?
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy living in the Famished World for a while! =D

Thanks for talking to me!!
Pssh… you know I always got time for you, Liz!

About Annie Walls:

Author of dark fantasy and sub-genres of horror. Voracious Reader and Googler. Lover of dark humor. Horror Buff. Zombie Apocalypse Enthusiast. Loyal Cracked follower. Pinterest Addict. Wife of adoring husband. Mother of a seven year old Bruce Wayne. Cook. Maid. Kisser of boo-boos. Ultimate Time Waster. Perfect Procrastinator. Lolly Gagger. Trubie. Cake Decorator. Tea Drinker. Sculpey Sculptor. Girl Gamer. Perfectionist in the art of Facebook stalking. And now, God help me, a blogger. Oh yeah, and a twitter, twatter, tweeter. Well yeah, I'm one crafty bitch. 
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