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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Guest Post by Alex Granados, author of Cemetery Plot

Cemetery Plot
Alex Granados

Vanessa Hawthorne is a zombie. . .at least that was the plan. Miserable with her life, she agreed to participate in a fatal ritual that would transform her into one of the Living Dead. Instead, she wakes up decades later alive, unaged and living in a world overrun with graveyards. 

But when a real estate tycoon finds out about Vanessa, he will stop at nothing to discover how she cheated death. He hopes that this knowledge will give him the power to resurrect the dead. The money he stands to make is incalculable. And he is willing to do whatever it takes — kidnapping, assault and even murder — to get the job done. Luckily for Vanessa, she has Mark Nimocks and his friend Emily to protect her. . . but at what costs?

A zombie apocalypse is in the works, and it will take a medium from the future to find a way to undo the end of the world. But can he actually help change the past? Or is the world fated to be destroyed no matter what?

****Guest Post**** 
****Alex Granados****

First, I want to say thank you to everybody reading this and to any of you who have bought my debut novel “Cemetery Plot.” If you haven’t bought it yet, let me give you a little background.

“Cemetery Plot” is two intertwined stories. One follows Vanessa. She is a woman who participated in a satanic ritual, hoping to awaken as a zombie. Instead, she comes back to life years later, unchanged, but fully human. She is miserable, but things are about to get worse, because a cemetery tycoon wants to tap the secrets she holds — the secret to resurrection.

You see, in this world, cemeteries have overtaken everything. A plague made cremations impossible, and the world is filling up with cemetery plots. The tycoon hopes to use Vanessa’s secret to bring the dead back to life and clear grave space for new bodies.

While you’re reading that story, the book alternates chapters with another. In that one, a zombie medium is struggling to survive in a world where a zombie apocalypse is in full swing. This story takes place in the future of the first story, and the two are inextricably linked, so you will just have to read to find out how.

I started this novel last year during National Novel Writing month. It is actually an amalgam of two failed novels with similar themes. It just came out October 31st.

I also want to announce that my second novel, tentatively titled, “World Out of Mind,” will be released on April 1 of 2013. The tone of that novel is dramatically different. It’s more fantasy than horror.

It follows a boy who is growing up in an abusive household. He discovers that he can create new worlds through writing, and he escapes into his creation to avoid his terrible home circumstances. But once he leaves the real world, he starts a journey that will leave him questioning his identity and unconscious of who he really is. It’s a mind bender, and I hope you will buy it and enjoy it as well.

Writing isn’t an easy thing, though it is fun. The problem comes when you start trying to do it for anything more than the love of it. If you’re doing it for a job, or to get noticed, or to be “successful,” it becomes as boring as any other job. I was just reading an article about David Foster Wallace this morning. It talked about his thoughts on the subject and how quickly writing can turn from fun to vanity. If you make your way back to fun, he says, then you have completed a grand transformation.

Writing is still fun for me, though I’m a fledgling in the actual publication biz. I have a second novel coming out, as I’ve mentioned, and I’ve completed two more. The skeletons of two or three more also exist on various hard drives. I hope to be at this for years to come, so I hope you will continue with me on this journey.

I’m coming near the end of my November virtual tour blitz, and I’ve enjoyed getting the opportunity to write out my thoughts for anybody who may be interested in Cemetery Plot or anything else I write in the future. I would love to hear from anyone with questions, comments or criticism. I can be reached at Until then, happy reading.

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