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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blogger On Blogger Interview and Giveaway: Megan at Megan Likes Books!

I interview a lot of authors, we all do.  And it is really a lot of fun, right?  But who is it behind those interviews?  You!!!  So now I want to interview you! This post will run every Thursday (give or take a day due to scheduling) as long as I have people who want to be interviewed!  Check out the tab up there in my tab index for this feature.  That's where you can check out past interviews, upcoming bloggers, and sign up for your own interview! :)
This week I have Megan, from Megan Likes Books!  I also have a giveaway for a SURPRISE swag giveaway!  What does that mean?  It means I was too lazy to get a picture taken!  But as always, it will come full chock full of bookmarks, magnets, trading cards, and postcards!  So make sure you enter in the Rafflecopter at the end of the interview!  Giveaway is International and will end 11-18-12. Now on with the show!


Hey Megan!  Pleasure to meet you, thanks for taking the time to meet with me today!

Thanks for having me!

Ok, your website is “Megan Likes Books”, which is pretty self explanatory haha.  So can you please tell us a little bit more about your website?

Megan Likes Books is a blog where I post my thoughts on books! I read mainly fantasy and sci-fi, both adult and YA, but I’m planning to get into reading more YA contemporary as well.

What prompted you to start a book blog?

I started Megan Likes Books because I love reading and I don’t have many people in my off-line life to talk about books with. Plus blogging is a lot of fun!

What would you consider your favorite part of book blogging?

Partly, I think I enjoy listening to myself talk (or reading what I type). It’s so exciting for me that people actually visit my blog, comment and care what I have to say. Plus I’ve found so many great books that I wouldn’t have found otherwise.

What do you do when you aren’t blogging (or preparing to blog!)?

Well, I’m a full-time student in the Animal Health program at my university (with high hopes of going to vet school). When I’m not reading or studying, I love playing with my kitten Lannister or riding my horse Scarface.

Is there a genre that just doesn’t “click” with you?

I can honestly say I’ve never read a romance novel. I often look at them at the drugstore and sometimes even giggle over titles and covers with my boyfriend, but I’ve never actually bought one and read it. I don’t have anything against people falling in love, but I don’t want that to be the entire story! I have read and enjoyed some paranormal romance though!

The other genre that doesn’t always click for me is literary fiction. When I do venture into that genre, I’m often disappointed because I expect it to be ground-breaking in some way.

Something that seems to have a wide variance of solutions is DNF (Did Not Finish) books.  How do you handle them?

I struggled with this issue for a while. While I think a DNF label on a book may be useful to other potential readers, I also don’t feel comfortable reviewing something I didn’t read entirely. So I’ve decided to tackle this issues with a post called “The DNF Files,” where I share books that were DNFs for me and a little bit about why they just didn’t do it for me.

I see on your website you’ve put yourself into a book buying ban.  Can you tell us more about that?  I’m pretty sure it makes you insane, but inquiring minds want to know!  Also, does it include giveaways?

Well, whenever I’d be out with my boyfriend and I’d buy some books, he would point out that I have a ton of books at home that I haven’t read yet, so I probably should buy more. One day I went a little crazy and said I’d try it. While I’ve fallen (or jumped) off the wagon a couple times, I think in the end this will be a good thing for me to catch up (I only have about 60 to go).

And it will probably involve giveaways! At the same time as this ban, I’m also trying to contain myself to a single bookshelf. Which gets full very quickly! So as I read, I’ll be passing some books on to readers in order to make more room for new books. So keep an eye out for that!

How do you normally go about preparing a post?  Are you a last minute poster, like myself – or are your more prepared and schedule your posts in advance?

I’m somewhere in between I think. When I first started blogging, I was much more last minute. I remember scrabbling to put together a review at 2am for a blogtour. Now, I’m much more organized. I have a calendar where I schedule things like blog tours and reviews I’d like to post a certain day, then kind of fill things in from there. I wish I could have everything done a week in advance, but it never quite happens.

What kind of things can we expect to see from Megan Likes Books in the coming year?

More of the same! I’ve already got a couple blog tours scheduled for the new year and a ton of great books just waiting to be reviewed!

If a magic genie said he was going to put you inside a book for one year, what book would you choose (and why!)

Wow, that is a hard one. I think I’m going to go with Divergent. Then I can spend my days in Amity raising goats or something and trying my best to be nice to everyone. As long as I can get out before the trouble starts!

Ok, now something easy - Favorites:
TV Show: The Walking Dead
Movie: The Lion King
Music Artist: Jack White & Freddie Mercury
Drink: London Fog
Food: Chocolate Mousse

Thanks so much for taking the time today, Megan!  I loved getting to know you a bit more!

And if you want to find Megan online, here's where you can do it!