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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dreamcast for Only The Good Die Young by KK Hendin (& Giveaway!)

Only The Good Die Young
KK Hendin

The first year of college is supposed to be about parties, parties, and getting the hell out of Texas. Instead, Milcah Daniels is spending her eighteenth year in and out of Houston's hospitals. Her hair is falling out, they’ve cut off her boobs, and if she makes it to nineteen, she’ll consider it a personal miracle.

Breast cancer really has a way of messing with a girl’s social calendar.

When Milcah’s temporarily discharged from the hospital, she’s determined to get a tattoo for every medical procedure she’s had. Her quest leads her to Skin Stories, a new tattoo parlor a block from her apartment. And to it’s infuriatingly sexy artist, Callum Scott.

Callum is everything Milcah wants, and everything she shouldn’t have now. A new relationship when the official prognosis is one to five years is a terrible idea. But Callum doesn’t know about the breast cancer, and Milcah’s not running to tell him.

But when the doctor says things are actually looking positive, her entire life turns upside down. How is she supposed to start living again when she’s finally learned to accept her death?

One of my favorite things about books is imagining what the characters look like.  So today I'm super excited to bring you a Dream Cast made by the author, KK Hendin, and a giveaway!  Enjoy and good luck!

In all honesty, I don’t really dream cast for my characters- I know what they look like when I start writing, and it’s usually not like anyone famous. But let’s say one day this book magically becomes a movie, here’s who remind me of my characters. If not in acting ability, then in looks.  

And yes, when you’re an author, you can count the time you spend scrolling through pictures of tattooed men ‘research’, because it is ;)

Alicia Vikander.
(To be honest, this isn’t really what Milcah looks like in my head. It’s just the closest I’ve found to the Milcah in my head. She’s angrier there, and looks tougher.)

(Fun story: I had first seen the forest tattoo on his arm back when I was writing the first draft of OTGDY. I loved it so much, I added it to Callum in the book. When I found the full picture of this guy a few months later, I freaked out, because this is basically what Callum looks like in my head.)

Ellen Page

John Mulaney (but not in a suit. Nick wouldn’t actually wear a suit to somewhere that wasn’t church, a wedding or funeral)

Dr Bertram

Morgan Freeman. Because, obviously.

a Rafflecopter giveaway