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Friday, March 22, 2013

Review: Ward of the Vampire by Kallysten

Title: Ward of the Vampire
Series: Ward of the Vampire
Author: Kallysten
Published: March 2013
Format: Ebook provided for review
Tour: No

It’s THE party of the season. Socialites, artists and A-list stars have been invited to Morgan Ward’s birthday bash, including Angelina’s boss, Delilah.

For months, Angelina has been looking at the preparations from afar, but never did she imagine that, come the day, Miss Delilah would put her in a gorgeous gown and bring her along as her ‘plus one.’

Wandering from crowded room to crowded room in the sumptuous mansion, Angelina grows overwhelmed and escapes onto a balcony, only to find it occupied by her host. That first meeting leaves her struggling for her very life, but she soon gets an unexpected do-over.

Meeting Morgan Ward for the first time all over again, Angelina finds herself falling into his arms… But is it all only a fantasy?

When the call was put out to review this book, I read the blurb and I jumped on it right away.  It just sounded like it would be a unique and interesting read - and I was completely right.

First off, you meet Angelina.  And something just isn't quite right about her, you can tell right away.  I had so much trying to figure out her angle!!  Was she some sociopath?  A stalker?  It was terrific.  Her tone and the way she presents the facts to the reader really had me on edge, and excited for a bit of mystery.  She spoke to the reader as if she's a bit gossipy - but leaving out the really good parts just to drive us crazy.  She seems like a likable woman though, not overly anything.  Not too nice, not too mean, not too excitable. And Angelina is the assistant to Delilah.

Now Delilah, on the other hand, she seems like a shark.  She means business and you know it.  She's also a bit eccentric, and I loved that.  But there were times when you thought, "hey, she's not so bad," I wonder how long that will last??

"But when your life turns out to be anything but ordinary, its like nothing you ever imagined."

The party was fabulous!  And then Angelina and Morgan, who is Delilah's brother, meet.  And Angelina was left with very specific instructions to be nice to Morgan.  I mean, afterall, it is his birthday party.  Their meeting was a bit like a waltz between a tiger and a doe.  It was beautiful, rare, and completely captivating.  Well, that's after it was a bit infuriating! Haha, I jest!  Or do I?

Seriously, this story had a terrific flow to it.  It was excruciatingly hot with a terrific concept.  I am definitely on board for the rest of the series, and I'm already feeling a little impatient for the next installment.

Note to self: Must attend fancy parties with private balconies...

And make sure you all pay some close attention to Morgan Ward.  The man is debonair and fine as hell.  Add that on top of sexy and mysterious, and you've got a force to be reckoned with.

And you can buy Ward of the Vampire now on AMAZON!!  It's only 99 cents at the moment, so I suggest you do it right now!!

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