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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review/Giveaway: Faceless by Jus Accardo

Title: Faceless
Series: Denazen 2.5
Author: Jus Accardo
Published: March 2013, Entangled Publishing
Format: Ebook provided for review
Tour: Yes, Entangled Publishing

My name is Brandt Cross, and I died. Again… 

I'm living in the body of a Six named Douglass Cain, a certifiable scumbag whose ability is on Zendean Industries—AKA Denazen's—most wanted list. There’s some serious bad going down, and Ginger, the leader of the Underground, sent me undercover to obtain information because people are dying. 

My cousin, Dez, is dying…

Denazen thought they’d found a cure for the Supremacy decline, but they were wrong. That’s the bad news. The good news? Franklin Wentz. 

Wentz, the owner of a genetic research company, is brilliant and just a little bit crazy. He’s unwittingly created a formula that may cure the sick Supremacy kids, and everyone wants it—including Devin, the super hot Resident.

Get the formula. Save the day. Don’t fall for the hot spy. Piece of cake.

I’m new to this series, and just jumping into the most current book. It sort of feels like Heroes meets X-men, but with a more dangerous edge. It took me a minute to get certain terminology down, but once I got ahold of that I was in for the ride, excited about the premise. There were a lot of alliterated names and companies that made it a bit difficult for more to differentiate for me at times. However, the variance of characters and the exciting action filled plot line more than made up for that.

The story starts out with Brandt Cross, who happens to be a soul jumper. He’s just jumped into the body of Doglass Cain and he wants to bring Denazen down. His original body was murdered, and he can never go home again. His only future is to hop from body to body, never quite himself. I felt an enormous amount of sympathy for this character, imagining how alone he must feel at times. However, on the plus side, he is able to retain the abilities of the sixers (people with these special abilities) he jumps into. That is a major bonus, and it gives him the ability to do things like enter others’ dreams, and even control them.

So who do you trust when everyone has a secret? Well, he starts with Devin, who quickly turns into his love interest. In fact, at one point Brandt describes a kiss with Devin as “rockets to Heaven”. I just loved that. And Devin is this very cool girl who is also doing bad things for what she deems a good purpose, much like Brandt.

I found the story to be fast pace and well written. I was eagerly turning pages to find out what would happen next. The cast of characters were colorful and varied, each one lending a certain aspect to the story while bringing in their own set of secrets and agendas. If you are into YA UF, I think you would really like this story. I think it would be easier to have read the series from the beginning, but by going through reviews on the other books and such, I felt I was able to catch up enough to keep up with what was going on with Brandt.

Have you started this series? What do you think? If you could have a super power, which would you choose? 

Author Bio

Jus Accardo spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. At the last minute, she realized her path lay with fiction, not food, and passed on the spot to pursue writing.
 Jus is the bestselling author of YA paranormal romance and urban fantasy fiction.
A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald. Her first book, Touch was released in November 2011 from Entangled Publishing. She is currently working on the next book in the Denazen series.

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