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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Nobody Asked Me! Let's Talk Blogging!!

So here I am, once again, blogging by the seat of my pants. A pantser, if you will. In fact, I was supposed to have this post ready to go “live” last night – but I fell asleep on the couch. So now it is roughly 830 am, and I’m working on my post. But this totally brings me to the topic!!

How do you blog? Are you organized and ahead of schedule, or are you praying your internet connection doesn’t go out because you are playing roulette with a deadline? 

I have a friend who runs a blog. Her name is Kimberly, and she runs Kimba’s Caffeinated Book Reviews. Perhaps you’ve seen her on my blog before, like when I interviewed her last year ( Kimba's Caffeinated Book Reviews Interview)or as a commenter. Kimberly is…well, she’s a blogger’s fantasy. I hope I’m not “outing” her here, but she is the gold level of what people like me to aspire to. Why? Well let me tell you… Kimberly has a set amount of reviews she takes a month, she leaves room for the things she chooses to read for her personal picks, and get this – she has her posts written and scheduled several months ahead of time!! What the hay stack!?!? Seriously, I don’t know how she does it. I am in awe every time I hear it.

The Jeep DivaBut she isn’t the only one! Have you checked out The Jeep Diva? That's Vanessa, and she is all kinds of awesome.  And oh yeah, she’s another one, and she runs a tight ship. She has multiple reviewers that she is wrangling, and she is also set ahead a couple months. Another blogger’s fantasy. Sign me up as her fangirl, too!

Me? Meh, not so much. If you look up there at my calendar tab, you can see I have a schedule. On my end of it I have it color coded so I can tell where I am in the schedule for each post. Like if I have all my information, I have it coded green. If it’s an interview, I have it red, and if I have it written up and ready to go its greyed out. Do I have ANY greyed out items on my schedule? NOPE. Not a one! Course, you can’t tell, so that’s good for me.

So tell me: How do you blog? And while you are at it, check out those two bloggers and show them some love for all their hard work.

And of course, I’m running a swag giveaway – cause I can rock in my own special way. So enter! Enter now! This one will run until next Wednesday, and I’ll pick a winner on Thursday! 

Bookmarks, pens, magnets, trading cards - a great big ol envelope of it. You want it? You got it! Here is a picture of a previous one, and the one you get will be very similar - but not the same!!! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway