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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Review: Unmaking Hunter Kennedy by Anne Eliot

Title: Unmaking Hunter Kennedy
Series: No
Author: Anne Eliot
Published: October 2012 Butterfly Books
Tour: Yes, Supagurl Tours
Format: ebook

After a car accident--an event he considers a prank gone bad--pop star, Hunter Kennedy is forced to hide out with his aunt in small-town Colorado. He’s supposed to rest, heal his scars and attend high school in disguise until the press dies down. But he only wants to get back to work.

Worse, the girl who’s been assigned to make him over into a geek is a major geek herself. Vere Roth is a chattering pixie, a blushing tornado and a complete social disaster. He’s never met a girl who’s never-been-kissed, believes in romance and thinks Hunter’s a 'nice' guy.

Funny thing is...Hunter is nice around Vere because she’s his first real friend. He also can’t seem to stop sharing his secrets or keep her out of his heart. Knowing he’d never deserve a girl as sweet as Vere, he resigns himself to the friend zone, and helps his new bestie with her own makeover.

She tortures him daily for ridiculous guy advice on how to snag her life-long crush. A guy Hunter thinks is totally wrong for Vere, and sadly, one who has taken note of Vere’s transformation.

When Vere asks her best friend for some kissing advice, Hunter can’t resist...

And that’s when things get out of control...

I don't read a lot of YA romance, so when I do, I like to make sure its the best.  I would definitely add this book to that category!!  Anne Eliot has done the impossible: she's made a teenage heartthrob mega pop star a tangible dream.

Hunter is a that teen star.  He is tall, blonde, beautiful perfection.  But the b.s. of it all has gotten to him, and he has an "incident" which lands him in some pretty hot water.  At the core of it is his mother, who pretty much disgusted me.  She is cold, calculating, and manipulative.  It makes me wonder how Hunter came out to be such a wonderful young adult. And as part of his punishment, he needs to spend some time in CO under disguise - and out of the public eye.  I really adored Hunter, and it was easy to feel his pain.  But then, you know he's about to enter Vere's life, and things will change.

Vere is that sort of geeky awkward teen that so many young girls are.  She doesn't know she's gorgeous, and she has this self imposed social anxiety thing going on.  But she gets around Hunter, and she can be herself.  I found Vere to be very relatable and funny.  This girl's inner monologue had me grinning at times.  She has a good heart, and I really liked her.

Anne Eliot's writing is fantastic.  She really has a great way with words, and the pages just flowed from one to the other.  The story was compelling and packed with emotion, it was great to feel like a kid again and feeling all of those "firsts" in the emotion department.  All of the elements of a great story are here, and I think that even if you aren't a fan of YA you won't help but love this story anyway.

And women, if you want to read about a first kiss that will... that will unmake your heart, THIS is the book to read.  I mean it.  Vere's first kiss is what dreams are made of.  Well, mine are, anyway....

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