So I've had this ongoing internal debate with myself regarding this meme. It's a hard one. Once a week is too much. Even twice a month is too much for some people. So here it is. I'm going to give it another shot, once a month. The first Friday of the month. If you want to do it more, that's superb. Just come to Fictional Candy and link up on the most recent post. I've also added a tab at the top of my page, there you will find all posts from me on this subject.
Schedule to be as follows (unless otherwise noted):
December 2, 2011
January 6, 2012
February 3, 2012
Rules are simple:
- Pick a book (or series) - Does NOT have to be the book I pick, but can be if you want
- Do your fantasy cast (of as many or as little characters as you like)
- Post to your blog and enter your url on my linky OR enter your cast in the comments below.
- Visit other people's (and comment, and leave your link!)
- Have fun!
For this month, I am tackling the Chase Brothers series by Lauren Dane. This is a fabulous series, and if you haven't read it, I suggest you head out immediately and do so. If you love romance and tight knit families, you will love this series!

Polly ** Jessica Lange
Kyle ** Kevin Dillon
Maggie ** Marissa Ribisi
Marc ** Stephen Baldwin
Liv ** Karen Duffy
Shane ** Matt Dillon
Cassie ** Nina Dobrev
Matt ** Zach Roerig
Tate ** Adele
So come on, join in. Do you agree with my choices? Who would you cast?