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Friday, March 20, 2015

The Fear That Divides Us by MN Forgy (Review)

Title: The Fear That Divides Us
Series: Devil's Dust #3
Author: MN Forgy
Published: March 8, 2015, MN Forgy LLC
Format: Ebook received for review
Pages: 214/Amazon

Road Captain of the Devil’s Dust Motorcycle Club, Bobby has the scars to prove just how dangerous his life is. He gives the world he knows hell and loves every moment of it. Wearing a panty-dropping grin along the way, his fierce life has never been a problem for him, until her. Jessica is the only female who has him distracted in his game. After taking him to bed, she’s the only woman to tell him to take a hike. Waking with her gone, he can’t resist her pull. He’s seen the marks on her body, ones which tell the horrors she’s lived through. He’s also seen the fear in her eyes when she lets herself become weak to his advances. Bobby has a decision to make. Can he help Jessica, or will it mean giving up his carefree life?

Jessica, also known as Doc, lives life in fear. Years back, she ran to the Devil’s Dust for protection, seeking the demise of her abusive, dominant husband. Her mind and soul tortured by her past, she can’t allow herself to move forward. The only thing in her sight is her daughter’s safety. Even if she has the attention of one particular tattooed biker, she can’t succumb to his charm and drag her daughter back into a world of danger, no matter how much he thinks he can save her.

Mistakes will be made.

Fears will be faced.

Pain will be remembered.

Can Bobby and Jessica survive the dangers they bring upon themselves?

 This week I got the pleasure of reading The Fear That Divides Us by MN Forgy. This is book 3 in the series, but it's actually more like book 5 due to the in between books.  Either way, I really enjoyed it.

Jessica is a doctor and she is in a horribly abusive relationship with Travis.  But now that abuse is starting to leak onto her daughter, Addie, who is only three.  Jessica knows it's time to get out and she runs to the Devil's Dust MC club for help.  Like most of our favorite mc club, these guys have heart and they do help her.  Then the story jumps ahead a few years, and we get to see Jessica as her life is now.  I really liked her, I felt she was a strong woman.  Because of her past, she did close herself off a bit, and it really just made me sad for her.  I could understand the why and how, but sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees.  But she saved herself and her daughter, and for that she gets mad love.

And the forest in this equation is in the form of road captain Bobby.  Bobby has a playboy image, but he knows where his heart lies - and that's with Jessica.  Only problem is that she is having none of it.  She would rather go without rather than risk danger again.  But Bobby is persistent, and I like that.  He stays on her, he comes up with a way to help her heal and get past her past.  As a man I like him.  He shows himself to have a good strength of character, not just in life for the sex and booze.  He has a dangerous streak, but that's what I like to see in my bad boy heroes.

The only thing that really didn't resonate with me so much about The Fear That Divides Us is that it didn't feel so much like an mc romance.  For me, it stood more as a romance where the leading man happened to be in a motorcycle club.  But that ultimately had little effect on my enjoyment of the story.  The danger was palpable.  The jealousy in Alpha male Bobby was thrilling.  And the sex, omg - it was very very good.  So if you are looking to dip your toes into mc romances, this book might be a good start.  Like I said, this isn't the first in the series.  I've not read any of the others, but I had no problem.  I definitely feel it works as a standalone.  Most of the others deal with Bobby's best friend, Shadow, so I might go back and read those just to see why he is featured so prominently.  But for now, I'm very happy with having read this book!

M.N. Forgy was raised in Missouri where she still lives with her family. She's a soccer mom by day and a saucy writer by night. M.N. Forgy started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.

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