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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Review: Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire

Title: Walking Disaster
Series: Beautiful Disaster #2
Author: Jamie McGuire
Published: April 2013
Format: Ebook provided by NetGalley
Tour: No

Walking Disaster is Travis' POV.

How much is too much to love?

Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.

In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. Just when he thought he was invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.

Every story has two sides. In Jamie McGuire's New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster Abby had her say. Now it's time to see the story through Travis's eyes.

It’s rare to find a book that not only I, but everyone I know, is anxiously waiting for. Walking Disaster is completely that book. We all fell in love with Travis in Beautiful Disaster. Abby annoyed us a little bit, but I attribute that to jealousy – at least in my case. Ok, maybe not completely… she did play some mind games with the man we all love.

So finally Walking Disaster is coming out. Some of us (not me!) were lucky enough to get on its tour. Others, like myself, were able to snatch up a copy on NetGalley (Thanks NetGalley and Atria!) And I read it almost nonstop. This book is amazing.

Travis, oh my God, how we all love him. How I love him!! The book starts out with a tragic scene from his childhood, and at once I’m in tears. This poor boy! As he grows up his view on women is horrible, even calling them “dumb bitches” at times. I’m sure no woman could hold a candle to the angel that is his mother. Well, until one does: Abby.

It was something else to see Abby from Travis’ perspective. I still don’t like her (except for the times when I love her). But to see how she tied him in knots so completely… his hurt and pain, his anguish over this woman who pierced his heart immediately, well, it was something special. To see how happy she made him when times were good was like getting that special gift that you always wanted but never gave voice to, yet someone knew you wanted it all along. Travis is a man who, despite all his efforts to remain distant, paints his heart on his sleeve for us all to see. And despite his many faults, his bad temper, his spur of the moment decisions, there is a certain realness there; a raw heart that I absolutely fell for in a matter of seconds. When he screams, “Well I belong to you!” in both books, my knees trembled, my heart broke, the tears fall and I am hopelessly and endlessly in love with this turmoil filled man.

I like his “take no shit” attitude, and in fact, I’m envious of it. Respect is big to Travis. Earn it, give it, get it. It’s not something to casually be given to just anyone. Travis… Travis is this big bulging heart of a man, wrapped in barbed wire and tears.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense for me to go over all of the events of the book, we saw almost all of them in Beautiful Disaster. I think the point of this book is to show the other side, the side we almost never get to see. I can’t say it enough, and I can’t recommend it enough – this is definitely one of my favorite books, like, EVER. What would drive me to book ecstasy is to see this come out bound with Beautiful Disaster in print. I don’t know if there is a name for it, but when you start at one side of the book and its Beautiful Disaster, and then flip it over then you can read Walking Disaster, that would be my dream. But it doesn’t matter because I’m buying it either way. The covers are thoughtful and gorgeous, and the story inside is like no other. And if you haven’t read either one yet, you’d better get to it. Start with Beautiful Disaster, because Abby’s story is just as important as Travis’.

I don’t know which cover will be the final cover. So at the top I am showing the one on my NetGalley copy. And down here is another one I saw on Goodreads. I hope this second one is the final one because it matches the Beautiful Disaster cover, but both are terrific!

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