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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nobody Asked Me! First Edition/Giveaway

As it turns out, writing a conversational editorial type post is so frickin frackin hard!! And not hard in a good way!! So I totally bailed on my first post, which was supposed to be last week. So let's try this again this week! And actually, I'm going to keep this short and simple - and relative to the giveaway! 

Recently I was running low on swag to giveaway. I put the call out. And bloggers and authors alike responded with the most awesome stuff!! So I would like to thank Anna from Herding Cats and Burning Soup for sending me the most insane box of swag I've seen in a while! Seriously, she is beyond cool and her website is effing fantastic. So go check her out! I'd also like to thank Megan from Riverina Romantics, who has been a constant source of swag and has really donated so many things time and time again to these giveaways that I could never say thank you enough! I've also received some wicked awesome stuff from Felicity Heaton. Felicity always comes through with some majorly awesome stuff! She's sent in calendars, ink pens, bracelets, and more trading cards and book marks than you can shake a stick at! Next I got some awesome stuff from Eden Summers, whose book I just reviewed yesterday! So if you haven't checked that out, you should. There is also a giveaway on that post, so be sure to enter that HERE. And then, if that wasn't enough I got some stuff in the mail from Jennifer James - also reviewed and guest posted this week - with a giveaway! Wait! There is so much more! JJ Bonds, author of the Crossroads Academy series also came through with some more fantasticness! 
This week's swag giveaway also includes stuff from Cassandra Carr, Ashlyn Chase, Gabrielle Bisset, CJ Ellison, Mandy M. Roth, Cherry Adair, Carrie Ann Ryan, Kallysten and way more! So much that I couldn't even fit it all into the picture! See?!?

So that makes me wonder - what is your favorite swag to get?  Do you like bookmarks?  Buttons? Trading cards, stickers, ink pens, lip balm, key chains or any of the other bazillion options there are?  Personally, one of my favorites is magnets.  I am slowly but surely on a mission to cover my whole fridge.  

I'm also curious - how do you keep your swag?  I know some people keep it in binders, boxes, envelopes... Do you cherish it and look at it all the time?  I think I am going to go the binder route, but then that doesn't give me a solution for all of the pens, buttons, and other gadget type things I get.  So I am definitely interested in how you keep yours - give me some ideas!

So that's it.  I have a whole page in my notebook of ideas of what to write for these posts - and I'm struck silent with blogger block.  So please allow me to ease into this!  Funny, I usually can't shut up, until I need to speak and then its like the blogging gods have slapped the duct tape on my mouth.  *sigh*  That's just the way the cookie crumbles, right?  

Love and Candy

(PS, the giveaway is International and will end on Wednesday. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning notification!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway