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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Interview with author Nona Raines, author of Uncollared


Nona Raines

Submissive Mia Manetti is devastated when her first Master uncollars her just as she was hoping for a permanent relationship with him. Trying to move on, she agrees to sub for a powerful and sexy new Dom.

Chess Ryan has wanted Mia from the first moment he saw her at Club Restraint, but it was always "hands off" because she belonged to his friend Philip. Now, thanks to that friend's maneuvers, Mia is finally his. But only for a little while.

Mia finds it increasingly difficult to keep her feelings in check as she experiences erotic delights with Master Chess, sensual and sexual fantasies that she's never known before. Is she setting herself up for another heart ache?

Guilt, secrets and misplaced pride all keep Chess and Mia from being completely honest with each other. As they connect sexually and emotionally, they realize their relationship has grown too serious to be called "play". How far are they willing to go as Master and slave?

Today I have the awesome chance to share with you an interview I had with author Nona Raines.  I've also ready Uncollared and will have a review for it later during the week.  For the tour post, I'll share the interview.  I hope you enjoy!  
****Interview ****

Hey Nona!  How are you doing today?

Hi Liz, I'm just fine. Thanks so much for having me here today!

Now, the reason we are here today is for your book, Uncollared.  Can you tell us something about this book that isn’t in the blurb?

Though Chess Ryan, the hero of this story, is a sexual Dominant, he's not an all-knowing character with all the answers. He's putting up a bit of a front because his private life is going to hell. Though Mia Manetti is the submissive character, she's a strong woman. The two of them end up helping each other through some difficult times.

And you write a lot of fantastic erotic romance stories, how is this one different from your other books?

Well, this is my first book with BDSM elements. I had to research a lot of it and try to get inside the heads of a Dominant and a submissive without making a mess of it, LOL!

 Nona, how does a typical day of writing go for you?

I try to write early in the day, when I feel fresher. I take a break in the afternoon to walk my dog and watch Judge Judy, then try to do social media things like Facebook, Twitter and so forth.

I love that your characters aren’t perfect little magazine cut outs of gorgeous people. 
Out of all of your books, who is your favorite character – and why?

I would have to say Kim Hansen from Her Perfect Man. She's interesting to me because she's far from perfect—she chooses terrible men, she can't hold a job, she's very defensive. She's very real to me because she makes mistakes and is sometimes her own worst enemy. But I can relate to her much better than to a perfect, beautiful, sweet-as-pie heroine.

What do you do when you aren’t writing?

I'm pretty boring. I like to read, watch movies and hang out with my pets.

And what do you think is the hardest part of writing?

Just sitting down and doing it. I'm a great procrastinator and have no problem finding dozens of distractions to avoid planting my butt in a chair and getting busy, LOL!

Now in The Man series a couple of your characters take in animals who would otherwise be left helpless and homeless.  You’ve incorporated grumpy ol’ cats and pit bulls, who definitely receive a bad rap – and they definitely take a whole part of the spotlight for themselves.  What is it about these animals that they find a way into your stories? 

Animals play a big part in my life and they always manage to sneak into my stories. The two pit bulls in One Good Man were inspired by my real life pit, Iris. I adopted her from the local Humane Society and she puts the lie to the story that pit bulls are vicious. She's snuggled right next to me on the sofa as I type this.

I've also adopted several cats and they're all rescues of one type or another. My oldest surviving cat is one of a litter of feral kittens I rescued from an abandoned building. Another kitty was a homeless street cat who I began feeding and ultimately brought into my home. A third was a tiny kitten I found on the road one night when I was driving. I lured her close with some cat food I happened to have in the car and caught her in my hat. They're all happy members of my home now.

Walter was a big orange tabby cat I owned several years ago. He's since passed away, but his bossy larger than life personality just begged to be included in a story. He's the inspiration for Groucho in Her Perfect Man.
What comes next for your readers after Uncollared?

It just so happens I have a new book that's being released today! It's something new for me, in that it's an FFM ménage romance titled His and Hers and Hers. It's published by Loose Id and can be found at

 And lastly, if you had to live in any book by any author – which book would it be?

Are you familiar with the picture book "The Three Pigs" By David Weisner? It's a take-off on the story of the three little pigs, but in this book, the pigs escape the wolf and have adventures in many different stories. I think I'd like to be like the three pigs and not be limited to just one story. I'd like to live in many!

Thank you so much, Nona, for taking the time today.  I’m so happy to get to know you a little bit more!

Thank you, Liz! It was great talking to you!

Uncollared is available through:

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Nona Raines became hooked on romances when she first picked up "The Flame and the Flower" by Kathleen Woodiwiss (and she's not telling how long ago that was). Romances may have changed since then, but her love for a good love story has not. She's been writing off and on for years, but it was only when she joined the Central New York Romance Writers Association that she finally gained the support and confidence she needed to complete a manuscript.

Nona lives in upstate New York with her many pets and is currently working on her next novel. A former librarian, she enjoys reading books of all genres and discussing them with others. She is thrilled to finally be able to call herself an author and looks forward to hearing from readers.