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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guest Post/Giveaway: Rosanna Leo, author of The Selkie

The Selkie
Rosanna Leo

This was supposed to be her year. However, after losing her job and discovering her fiancĂ© cheating, Maggie Collins has her doubts. When her grandmother dies, she hits rock bottom. Maggie travels to her grandmother’s home in Orkney, Scotland to sort through her gran’s things, only to discover the old woman has left her a seal pelt as her inheritance. She also learns that others are after the pelt.

To add to her frustration, Maggie’s dreams are filled with luscious images of a long-haired man, images that draw her to the magical beaches in Orkney. Although she’s lost her trust in men, this dream man inspires her with a lust she’s never known before.

Calan Kirk has also been dreaming. Dreaming of Maggie, the mortal woman who arouses him as no other woman ever has. Meeting her in the flesh when she arrives in Orkney is nothing short of spontaneous sexual combustion. But she is a human, and not to be trusted. He needs the seal pelt, not a red-haired temptress.

As a thief ransacks Maggie’s grandmother’s house, Maggie and Calan are thrust together. They must search for the animal skin, a mythical relic which once found, will either bring them together or rip them apart forever.


Want a “supernatural” husband? Think again.

I am so happy to be here again on Fictional Candy! Yay! Many thanks to the lady Liz. And to be here for Hallowe’en is even better because this is by far my favorite holiday in the calendar. A day full of ghosties and vampires and ghouls. Awesome.

Or is it?

For any of you who know me, you’ll know I tend to write paranormal romance. And like any other lover of the genre, it’s because I am entranced by the idea of ending up with a buff, sexy supernatural lover on my arm…or other chosen appendage.

Weeeelll, let me say this. I am married to a wonderful man. And in a way, he fulfills the criteria of being a supernatural dude.  He has a special ability.

You guessed it. My husband sees dead people.

He’s not a full-blown psychic; it’s not on his resume. He’s a banker. However, my man has been having visions of the dead for many years now. It started when he was a baby. His parents used to drive by a cemetery on the way home. Hubby would sit in the back of the car and point to imaginary people in the graveyard and talk about the men and ladies there.


And now that he’s an adult, he’s “communicated” with all sorts of dead family members. A psychic once told him it’s because of his Irish blood. Those Irish seem to have a direct channel to the paranormal world! As a practical Italian, it can be scary stuff!

Lately, hubby has informed me of a spirit man who wanders through our bedroom. I love knowing that…especially when I’m home alone.

Anyway, those preternatural guys can be fun in the books, but you may want to ask a few probing questions of your next date before you marry the guy:

1)    Do the dead visit you? Are they scary dead folk?
2)    Why do you keep looking over your shoulder when there’s nothing there?
3)    Are any of your pals invisible?

These questions should be able to help you determine if you’re going forward in that relationship!

Happy haunting!


Thanks for the terrific post, Rosanna! Definitely perfect for the spooky season! :)  On top of that, Rosanna is awesomely offering a copy of The Selkie up to one lucky winner.  Could it be you?  Just enter the Rafflecopter, and comment with an answer to the question: 
Happy Halloween!  Do you have any ghostly experiences?  Please share!

Other Rosanna Leo Posts:

a Rafflecopter giveaway