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Monday, October 29, 2012

Review: Undead by Kirsty McKay

Title: Undead
Series: Undead #1
Author: Kirsty McKay
Published: September 2012
Format: Ebook received from NetGalley

Out of sight, out of their minds: It's a school-trip splatter fest and completely not cool when the other kids in her class go all braindead on new girl Bobby.

The day of the ski trip, when the bus comes to a stop at a roadside restaurant, everyone gets off and heads in for lunch. Everyone, that is, except Bobby, the new girl, who stays behind with rebel-without-a-clue Smitty.

Then hours pass. Snow piles up. Sun goes down. Bobby and Smitty start to flirt. Start to stress. Till finally they see the other kids stumbling back.

But they've changed. And not in a good way. Straight up, they're zombies. So the wheels on the bus better go round and round freakin' fast, because that's the only thing keeping Bobby and Smitty from becoming their classmates' next meal. It's kill or be killed in these hunger games, heads are gonna roll, and homework is most definitely gonna be late.

Bobby is the new girl in school, and she is on her way home from a class ski trip. She and all of her classmates are on a bus, and they’ve stopped off at a restaurant for lunch. Bobby stays on the bus, along with Smitty, super hot class rebel. Every class needs one of them, right?

Right from page one I was into this book. And right away it jumps into the action. To me, this book felt like the movie Alive (get it??) meets Dawn of the Dead, with some fun twists and some B movie type action. There are lots of pop culture references. Luckily I am as cool as I am, and I knew the deets. Ahem….*cough*

Zombies!!!!!!!!! Oh my god, they are everywhere!!!!!!!!!! Look at that couple over there!!!!!!! That creepy older guy!!!! The waitress!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!!!

Luckily Alice, ultra pain in the butt cheerleader, comes rushing out in a crazy dash and warns Smitty and Bobby that something is definitely not cool. Ok, now we are up to three survivors. But wait, we will find more!

I totally need this book to be made into a movie. I’ve seen a lot of reviews remarking on its hilarity, its even marketed as such. Yes, there are some funny quips and something involving vegetables that would lend itself terrifically to the silver screen. But personally, I wouldn’t call this comedy. I mean, it’s a teen book about zombies. It’s not about people who are actually prepared for this. But Bobby makes a really great unexpected heroine. And Smitty is a great hero who also has the fine ability to provide some alpha-traits and swoon-worthy moments.

There are lots of twists and turns, and tons of action. Add in some conspiracy and drama, and you are in for one hell of a ride. If you haven’t read Undead yet, I think you definitely should – before the zombies come.  And Unfed, book 2, is coming out soon.  So Be Ready.

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