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Monday, November 11, 2013

Interview with Olivia Mayfield, author of The Inheritance

The Inheritance
Olivia Mayfield

The Inheritance, Part I
The Will

Maggie Willings knew that returning home for her estranged grandfather’s funeral would not be easy, but she never expected the reading of his will to be the most difficult part. The four people named in the will—Maggie, her brother Robert, her ex-boyfriend Andrew, and her grandfather’s far-too-young girlfriend Bethany—are given a challenge: find out the truth about what happened to Maggie’s younger sister Cassandra, who vanished over eight years ago, and win the entirety of the estate.

Maggie is thrown by the strange request, reluctant to drag up painful memories of her sister’s disappearance, and bothered by her lingering attraction to Andrew, who wants to team up to solve the mystery. But there are ten million dollars on the line and Maggie has no idea where to start—or who she’ll be able to trust.

Good Monday Morning everyone!!  Today I have an interview I did with author, Olivia Mayfield.  She's written this serial series, and it is very good!!  Later on this evening I will have my review of part one - I just wanted to space the posts out a bit.  But let me tell you - if you like a good whodunit mystery full of action and lies, this will be a great one for you to get into!  Hope you enjoy the interview :)

Hi Olivia!  So nice to meet you!  Thanks for stopping by to chat with me today!
Thank you for having me on your blog!!

So we are here to talk about The Inheritance, your new serial release.  What can readers expect from this series?
Sex. Scandal. Drama. Murder. More Scandal. More sex. Haha. It’s one long story told in six parts, and each part adds new information to help Maggie solve the mystery—what happened to her teen sister to cause her to vanish 8 years ago without a trace?

Do you think it’s easier or harder to write a serial over a standard novel? 
Hmmmm, good question. I did a LOT of plotting for this so when it came down to writing it, it went faster. So in that aspect, it was easier..

Maggie, the main character in The Inheritance, seems to be caught up in a web of lies.  Did you plot this series out before it was written, or did you just kind of “go with the flow” and see where it took you?
Oh, I plotted the entire thing ahead of time. I wanted to make sure all the parts worked together. It took a lot of time to craft the plot, the cliffhangers, etc!

Are there any “behind the scenes” tidbits about The Inheritance you could share?
I visited a police station for research, which was a lot of fun! I got to interview them all about police procedure. I also researched what happened with missing children. Oh, and writing part five was SO INTENSE.

Olivia, what’s a day in the life of Olivia like?
Well, Olivia is my pen name. Under my real name (Rhonda Helms), I am an editor and a writer! So my day is usually spent with editing in the morning and writing in the afternoon. :D

Do you have any other projects in the works you could tell us about?
I just finished a proposal for a firefighter trilogy. Because hellooooo, foxy firefighters.

Say a magic genie offers you $200 million dollars, or another twenty years to your life – which (and why) do you pick?
Well, I’m already planning to live to be 100, so I guess 120 is a bit excessive. Haha. I’d take the money.

What is the most interesting thing in your purse right this moment?
You mean OTHER than the stick of dynamite? I kid, I kid. Um, I have like 4 chapsticks in there. I have a problem with excessive worry about dry lips.

Ok, that’s it for now!  Thanks again for chatting with me today!
Thanks so much!! :D

The Inheritance

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