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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Extended Leave and now I'm.... back?

So... It looks like I took the summer off.  Really - I had to.  I was suffering a huge case of blogger burnout.  You know how it goes, if you're a blogger.  Sometimes life has to take a front seat, and blogging just had to take the back seat.

Ok, more like I shoved it in the trunk.  June 7.  That's the date of my last post. Now it's almost 4 months later.  Time flies, eh?

I'm sorry.  I know I don't have a huge following, but I do (or did) have some readers out there.  I've been reading all summer, and I have lots of reviews to write up.  I'm hoping I can get back into it.  In fact, right after I post this, I'm going to post a review for Elisabeth Staab's newest Evergreen Grove book (loved it, btw)

I'm not taking on review requests at the moment, unless  I have previously worked with you.  I've been trying to catch up on what I already have to do.

So to make a long story short, I hope you can find your way back to reading what I have to say, and I'll find my way back to saying it.
